
There are multiple options, both inside and outside of the University, for statistics tutoring.

Listed below are graduate students who have notified us of their interest in tutoring others. Please note that they will likely charge a fee for their services. Contact them for more information.

Name Will Tutor Contact Information
Rittwika Kansabanik STA 2122, 2023 Email: rk20cd@fsu.edu
Sayantika Nag STA 1013, 2023, 2122 and AP Statistics Email: snag@fsu.edu
Palmer Swanson Most undergraduate courses  Email: pjs21c@my.fsu.edu
Jairo Pena Hidalgo Any stats or math class

Email: jip19a@fsu.edu

Phone: 448-500-5945

Chris Jedd Capuyan STA 2023, 2122, 2171

Email: cc24z@fsu.edu

Phone: 904-469-5478 (text first)

Taniya Sarkar STA 1013, 2023, 2122, 2171 Email: ts22u@fsu.edu
Sonia Pitta STA 1013, 2023, 2122, 4203, Time Series and Forecasting Methods Email: sp23bv@fsu.edu
Imrul Kabir Undergrad courses Phone: 448-500-9216


FSU also provides information on tutoring services at:  https://tutoring.fsu.edu/

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