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Number Author(s) Title Year
M1015 Moore, R., Patrangenaru, V. and Dixon, A. Investigating two possible Origins of SARS-Co V-2- an RNA Analysis on Tree Spaces 2021
M1014 Patrangenaru, V. and Qiu, M. Neighborhood tests for mean change on infinite dimensional Lie groups and 3D projective shape analysis of contours 2014
M1013 Yao, K. D., Patrangenaru, V. and Qiu, M. 3D face differentiation and recognition from digital camera images via projective shapes 2014
M1012 Girimurugan, S. and Chicken, E. Wavelet analysis of variance (WANOVA) 2013
M1011 Chicken, E. and Loper, D. E. Implementation code for "Modeling reversal of flow at Fanning Spring" 2013
M1010 Loper, D. E. and Chicken, E. Technical description of Karst Flow Model version 2 2013
M1009 Lester, D., Patrangenaru, V. and Guo, R. Mean reflection shapes of landmark configurations in large and small Acrosterigma Magnum clamshells 2013
M1008 McGinnity, K., Chicken, E. and Pignatiello, J. Distribution-free changepoint detection for nonlinear profiles 2013
M1007 Bhattacharya, R. and Patrangenaru, V. Statistics on manifolds and landmarks based image analysis: a nonparametric theory with applications 2012
M1006 McGinnity, K. and Chicken, E. Wavelet block thresholding for non-Gaussian errors 2012
M1005 Ellingson, L., Groisser, D., Osborne, D., Patrangenaru, V. and Schwartzman, A. Nonparametric bootstrap of sample means of positive-definite matrices with an application to diffusion-tensor- ... 2012
M1004 Chalise, P., Chicken, E. and McGee, D. Performance and prediction for varying survival time scales (Removed - 2012
M1003 Patrangenaru et al. Extrinsic data analysis on sample spaces with a manifold stratification 2012
M1002 Wiltshire, J. A general class of test statistics for Van Valen's red queen hypothesis 2012
M1001 Osborne, D. and Patrangenaru, V. Nonparametric two-sample tests on homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, Cholesky decompositions and dyslexia detection from 2011
M1000 Chicken, E. and Cuevas, J. A trimmed translation-invariant denoising estimator 2010
M0999 Chicken, E., Cuevas, J. and Pignatiello, J. A changepoint detection method for profile variance 2010
M0998 Ellingson, L., Ruymgaart, F. and Patrangenaru, V. Nonparametric estimation for extrinsic mean shapes of planar contours 2010
M0997 Chicken, E. and Loper, D. E. Implementation code for "A leaky-conduit model of transient flow in karstic aquifers" 2010
M0996 Chalise, P., Chicken, E. and McGee, D. Time scales in Cox model: e ffect of variability among entry ages on coefficient estimates 2010
M0995 Bunea, F. & Gupta, S. A study of the asymptotic properties of lasso for correlated data 2010
M0994 Loper, D. E. and Chicken, E. Technical description of Karst Flow Model version 1 2009
M0993 Chalise, P., Chicken, E. and McGee, D. Time scales in epidemiological analysis: An empirical study (Removed - see 2009
M0992 Bunea, F. & Barbu, A. Regularized likelihood inference 2009
M0991 Bandulasiri, A., Bhattacharya, R. and Patrangenaru, V. Nonparametric inference for extrinsic means on size-and-shape manifolds with applications in medical imaging 2009
M0990 Bunea, F., Tsybakov, A. and Wegkamp, M. Spades and mixture models. (Removed - see 2008
M0989 Bunea, F, Wegkamp, M., and Ivanescu, A. Adaptive Inference for Functional Data (Removed - see 2008
M0988 Chicken, E., Chalise, P. & Loper, D. E. Conduit prevalence in the Woodville Karst Plain 2008
M0987 Radulovic, D. & Wegkamp, M. Uniform central limit theorems for pregaussian classes of functions (see 2007
M0986 Wegkamp, M. Lasso type classifiers with a reject option (Removed - see 2007
M0985 Dixon, J., Kosorok, M., & Lee, B. Functional inference in semiparametric models using the piggyback bootstrap 2007
M0984 Bunea, F. & Nobel, A. Sequential Procedures for Aggregating Arbitrary Estimators of a Conditional Mean 2006
M0983 Liu, X., Patrangenaru, V., & Sugathadasa, S. Projective Shape Analysis for Noncalibrated Pinhole Camera Views 2007
M0982 Gyorfi, L. & Wegkamp, M. Quantization for nonparametric regression (Removed - see 2007
M0981 Brown, D., Deb, R. & Wegkamp, M. Tests of Independence in Separable Econometric Models: Theory and Application 2007
M0980 Bartlett, P. & Wegkamp, M. Classification with a Reject Option using a Hinge Loss 2007
M0979 Bunea, F., Tsybakov, A. & Wegkamp, M. Sparsity oracle inequalities for the Lasso 2007
M0978 Chicken, E. Dilation-invariant estimation of jumps 2007
M0977 Chicken, E. Directional step models for multiscale correlation thresholding 2006
M0976 Chicken, E., Pignatiello, J. & Simpson, J. Statistical process monitoring of profiles using wavelets 2006
M0975 Kitstantas, P., Hollander, M. & Li, L. Assessing the Stability of Classification Trees Using Florida Birth Data 2006
M0974 Chicken, E. & Dixon, J. Multiresolution Shape Recognition 2006
M0973 Chicken, E., Loper, D. E. & Werner, C. Estimating Tidal Effects in Spring Discharge: A Multiscale Method Using Correlated Phenom 2006
M0972 Bunea, F., Wegkamp, M. & Tsybakov, A. Aggregation for Regression Learning 2004
M0971 Song, K. & Li, T. On convergence and bias correction of a joint estimation algorithm for multiple sinusoida 2006
M0970 Loper, D. E. Ground water flow and interaction with surface water in karst: A hydrogeological and modeling investigation 2004
M0969 Kitstantas, P., Hollander, M. & Li, L. Assessing the Stability of Classification Trees 2005
M0968 Chicken, E. Simulation results for wavelet-based density estimators 2004
M0967 Hollander, M. & Pena, E. Nonparametric methods in reliability 2003
M0966 Kitstantas, P., Hollander, M. & Li, L. Assessing Adverse Birth Outcomes via Classification Trees 2003
M0965 Hollander, M. Nonparametric methods in reliability and survival analysis 2003
M0964 Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Nonparametric methods for reliability models 2002
M0963 Sethuraman, J. Some extensions of the Skorohod representation theorem 2002
M0962 Lin, P. & Uhm, D. Statistical analysis of Florida traffic fatality from 1998 - 2000 - A pilot study 2002
M0961 Chicken, E. Nonparametric regression on random processes and designs 2003
M0960 Chicken, E. Asymptotic rates for coefficient-dependent and block-dependent thresholding in wavelet re 2003
M0959c Bunea, F. and Wegkamp, M. Two-stage model selection procedures in partially linear regression 2002
M0959b Bunea, F. and McKeauge, I. Covariate selection for semiparametric hazard function regression models 2002
M0959a Bunea, F. and Wegkamp, M. A note on penalized minimum distance estimation in nonparametric regression 2002
M0959 Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Nonparametric inference for reliability models 2002
M0958 Li, T. & Song, K. Asymptotic analysis of a fast algorithm for efficient multiple frequency estimation 2001
M0957 Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Modern reliability models: a nonparametric approach 2000
M0956 Bunea, F. A model selection approch to semiparametric regression 2000
M0954 Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Nonparametric statistics: Bayesian and computational methods 2000
M0953 Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Nonparametric statistics: rank-based methods 2000
M0952 Pena, E. & Hollander, M. Models for recurrent phenomena in reliability and survival analysis 2000
M0951 Li, T. & Song, K. Asymptotic analysis of a fast algorithm for efficient multiple frequency estimation 2000
M0950 Pena, E., Strawderman, R. & Hollander, M. Nonparametric estimation with recurrent event data 2000
M0945 McKeague, I & Wefelmeyer, W. Markov chain Monte Carlo and Rao-Blackwellization 1997
M0944 McKeague, I & Subramanian, S. Product-limit estimators and Cox regression with missing cause-of-failure information 1996
M0943 van de Laan, M. & McKeague, I. Efficient estimation from right-censored data when failure indicators are missing at rand 1997
M0942 Greenwood, P., McKeague, I. & Wefelmeyer, W. Von Mises type statistics for single site updated local interaction random fields 1998
M0942 Greenwood, P., McKeague, I. & Wefelmeyer, W. Von Mises type statistics for single site updated local interaction random fields 1998
M0941 Greenwood, P., McKeague, I. & Wefelmeyer, W. Information bounds for Gibbs samplers 1998
M0940 Einmahl, J. & McKeague, I. Confidence tubes for multiple quantile plots via empirical likelihood 1998
M0939 McKeague, I. & Tighiouart, M. Bayesian estimators for conditional hazard functions 1998
M0938 McKeague, I., Subramanian, S. & Sun, Y. Median regression and the missing information principle 1999
M0937 McKeague, I., & Gilbert, P. Comparison of competing risks with adjustment for covariate effects 1999
M092? McKeague, I.W. and Gilbert, P.B. Comparison of Competing Risks with Adjustment for Covariate Effects 1999
M092? Huang, L.S. A roughness-penalty view of kernel smoothing 1999
M092? Who A Weak Convergence Result Relevant in Recurrent and Renewal Models 1999
M092? McKeague, I.W. and Gilbert, P.B. Comparison of Competing Risks with Adjustment for Covariate Effects 1999
M0923 Meeter, D. Sampling cubic lattices 1999
M0922 Hollander, M., Laird, G., & Song, K. Maximum Likelihood estimation in the proportional hazards model of random censorship 1999
M0922 Hollander, M., Laird, G., & Song, K. Maximum Likelihood estimation in the proportional hazards model of random censorship 1999
M0921 Hollander, M., Laird, G., & Song, K. Nonparametric inference for the proportionality function in the random censorship model 1999
M0921 Hollander, M., Laird, G., & Song, K. Nonparametric inference for the proportionality function in the random censorship model 1999
M0920 Chen, C. & Meeter, D. Empirical Bayes Analyses of Two-Level Factorials 1999
M091? Song, K.-S Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Kullback-Leibler Discrimination Information 1997
M0919 Huang, L. & Fan, J. Goodness-of-Fit Test for Parametric Regression Models 1998
M0918 Huang, L. & Fan, J. Rates of Convergence for the Pre-Asymptotic Substitution Bandwidth Selector 1996
M0917 Song, K. & Li, T. Asymptotic Theory of a Frequency Estimator 1997
M0916 Huang, L. & Smith, R. Meteorologically-Dependent Trends in Urban Ozone 1997
M0915 Huang, L. Testing the Adequacy of a Linear Model Via Critical Smoothing 1997
M0914 Stein, J., Huffer, F. & Niu, X. A Space-Time Modeling Approach to Assess the Effects of El Ni?o 1997
M0913 Niu, X. Asymptotic Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimates in a Class of Space-Time Regression 1995
M0912 Huang, L. & Fan, J. Optimal Bandwidth Selection for Local Linear Regression 1996
M0911 Niu, X. Seasonal Time Series Models with Periodic Variances 1996
M0910 Niu, X. Predicting Integrals of Stochastic Processes Using Space-Time Data 1996
M090? Huffer, F.W. and Huang L.-S. Computing the Exact Distribution of the Extremes of Linear Combinations of Spacings 1996
M0909 Chaganty, N. R. & Sethuraman, J. The Large Deviation Principle for Common Statistical Tests Against a Contaminated Normal 1996
M0908 Niu, X., McKeague, I, & Elsner, J. B. Improving Climate Prediction by Using Seasonal Space-Time Models 1996
M0907 Chaganty, N. R. & Sethuraman, J. Bahadur of the T-Statistics for A Contaminated Normal 1996
M0906 Sethuraman, J. Easily Verifiable Conditions for the Convergence of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method 1995
M0905 Huang, L. & Fan, J. Nonparametric Estimation of Quadratic Regression Functionals 1995
M0904 Huang, L. Testing Goodness-of-Fit Based on a Rougness Measure 1995
M0903 Connor, E., Hodfield, E., Meeter, D. & Niu, X. Test for Aggregation and Size-Based Sample-Unit Selection When Sample Units Vary in Size 1995
M0902 Dorato, C., Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Nonparametric Estimation for a General Repair Model 1995
M0901 Hollander, M., McKeague, I. & Yang, J. Likelihood Ratio Based Confidence Bands for Survival Functions 1995
M0900 Niu, X., Edmiston, H. l. & Bailey, G. O. Time Series Models for Salinity and Other Environmental Factors in the Apalachicola Estua 1995
M089? Huang, L.-S. Testing Goodness-of-Fit Based on a Roughness Measure 1995
M089? Huang, L.-S. and Fan, J. Nonparametric Estimation of Quadratic Regression Functionals 1995
M089? Greenwood, P.E., McKeauge, I.W. and Wefelmeyer, W. Outperforming the Gibbs Sampler Empirical Estimator for Nearest Neighbor Random Fields 1995
M0899 Niu, X. Nonlinear Additive Models for Environmental Time Series, with Application to Ground-Level 1995
M0898 Hanson, M. A. Existence of Invexity in Constrained Oprimization 1994
M0897 Hollander, M. & Pe?a Dynamic Reliability Models 1994
M0896 Hollander, M. & Pe?a Dynamic Reliability Models with Conditional Proportional Hazards 1994
M0895 Doss, H. & Narasimhan, B. Bayesian Poisson Regression Using the Gibbs Sampler: Sensitivity Analysis Through Dynamic 1994
M0894 Doss, H., Huffer, F. & Lawson, K. Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation Via Gibbs Sampling for Coherent Systems with Redundancy 1994
M0893 Li, G. & Doss, H. An Approach to Nonparametric Regression for Life History Data Using Local Linear Fitting 1994
M0892 Krebs, W. A Note on Simulating Graphs 1994
M0891 Boland, P., Holllander, M. Bivariate Dependence Properties of Order Statistics 1994
M0890 Gurland, J. & Sethuraman, J. How Pooling Failure Data May Reverse Increasing Failure Rates 1993
M0889 Egudo, R. R., & Leonard, P.J. An Application of Goal Programming in Planning Allocation of Tradespeople to Communicatio 1993
M0888 Egudo, R. R., & Hanson, M. A. On Sufficiency of Huhn-Tucker Conditions in Nonsmooth Multiobjective Programming 1993
M0887 Krebs, W. Brownian Motion on the Continuum Tree 1993
M0887 William B. Krebs Brownian Motion on the Continuum Tree 1993
M0886 Egudo, R. R., & Hanson, M. A. Second Order Duality in Multiobjective Programming 1993
M0886 R. R. Egudo & M. A. Hanson Second Order Duality in Multiobjective Programming 1993
M0885 Grenander, U. & Sethuraman, J. Mixed Limit Theorems for Pattern Analysis 1993
M0885 Ulf Grenander & Jayaram Sethuraman Mixed Limit Theorems for Pattern Analysis 1993
M0884 Athreya, K., Doss, H. & Sethuraman, J. Easy-to-Apply Results for Establishing Convergence of Markov Chains in Bayesian Analysis 1993
M0884 Krishna B. Athreya, Hani Doss & Jayaram Sethuraman Easy-to-Apply Results for Establishing Convergence of Markob Chains in Bayesian Analysis 1993
M0883 Hanson, M. A. Second Order Invexity and Duality in Mathematical Programming 1993
M0883 Morgan Hanson Second Order Invexity and Duality in Mathematical Programming 1993
M0882 McKeague, I. & Sasieni, P. A Partly Parametric Additive Risk Model 1993
M0882 Ian W. McKeague & Peter D. Sasieni A Partly Parametric Additive Risk Model 1993
M0881 Li, G. & Doss, H. Generalized Pearson-Fisher Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Tests, with Applications to Models 1992
M0881 Gang Li & Hani Doss Generalized Pearson-Fisher Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Tests, with Applications to Models w 1992
M0880 Pena, E. & Hollander, M. Models and Inference for Series Systems Operating Under Different Environments 1992
M0880 Edsel Pena & Myles Hollander Models and Inference for Series Systems Operating Under Different Environments 1992
M0879 McKeague, I. Nikabadze, A.M. & Sun, Y. Transformations of Guassian Random Fields and a Test For Independence of a Survival Time 1992
M0879 Ian McKeague, A. M. Nikabadze, Yanquing Sun Transformations of Gaussian Random Fields and a Test for Independence of a Survival Time f 1992
M0878 Doss, H. Using the Output Successive Substitution Sampling Algorithms to Dynamically Change the Pr 1992
M0877 Lee, S. & Meeter, D. On Some Nonlinear Time Series Models for Single-Species Biological Population Data 1992
M0876 Boland, P., Proschan, F. & Tong, Y.L. Some Recent Applications of Stochastic Inequalities in System Reliability Theory 1992
M0875 Chaganty, N. R. & Sethuraman, J. Multidimensional Strong Large Deviation Theorems 1992
M0874 Niu, X. Asymptotic Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimates in a Class of Space-Time Regression 1992
M0873 El-Neweihi, E. & Sethuraman, J. Optimal Allocation Under Partial Ordering of Lifetimes of Components 1992
M0872 Boland, P., El-Neweihi, E. & Proschan, F Schur Properties of Convolutions of Exponential & Geometric Random Variables 1992
M0871 Hanson, M. A. A Generalization of the Kuhn-Tucker Sufficiency Conditions 1992
M0870 Emad, E., Aly, A., Kochar, S. & McKeague, I. Some Tests for Comparing Cause-Specific Hazard Rates 1992
M0870 Emad-Eldin A.A. Aly, Subhash C. Kochar, & Ian McKeague Some Tests for Comparing Cause-Specific Hazard Rates 1992
M0869 Antoniadis, A., Gregoire, G. & McKeague, I. Wavelet Methods for Curve Estimation 1992
M0869 A. Antoniadis, G. Gregoir, & I. W. McKeague Wavelet Methods for Curve Estimation 1992
M0868 Athreya, K., Doss, H. & Sethuraman, J. A Proof of Convergence of the Markov Chain Simulation Method 1992
M0868 Krishna B. Athreya, Hani Doss & Jayaram Sethuraman A Proof of Convergence of the Markov Chain Simulation Method 1992
M0867 Burr, D. A Study of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals in the Cox Model 1992
M0867 Deborah Burr A Study of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals in the Cox Model 1992
M0866 Joag-Dev, K., Kochar, S. & Proschan, F A General Composition Theorem and its Applications to Certain Partial Orderings of Distri 1992
M0866 Kumar Joag-Dev, Subhash Kochar, & Frank Proschan A General Composition Theorem and its Applications to Certain Partial Orderings of Distrib 1992
M0865 Burr, D. & Doss, H. Confidence Bands for the Median Survival Time as a Function of the Covariates in the Cox 1991
M0865 Deborah Burr & Hani Doss Confidence Bands for the Median Survival Time as a Functino of the Covariates in the Cox M 1991
M0864 Krebs, W. Markov Chain Simulations of Binary Matrices 1992
M0864 William B. Krebs Markov Chain Simulations of Binary Matrices 1992
M0863 Boland, P., El-Neweihi, E. & Proschan, F. Applications of the Hazard Rate Ordering in Reliability and Order Statistics 1991
M0863 Philip J. Boland, Emad El-Neweihi, & Frank Proschan Applications of the Hazard Rate Ordering in Reliability and Order Statistics 1991
M0862 Boland, P. & Proschan, F. Stochastic Order in System Reliability Theory 1991
M0862 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Stochastics Order in System Reliability Theory 1991
M0861 Antonine, R., Doss, H. & Hollander, M. On Identifiability in the Autopsy Model of Reliability Theory 1991
M0861 Robin Antoine, Hani Doss, & Myles Hollander On Identifiability in the Autopsy Model of Reliability Theory 1991
M0860 Presnell, B., Hollander, M. & Sethuraman, J. Testing the Minimal Repair Assumption in an Imperfect Repair Model 1991
M0860 Brett Presnell, Myles Hollander, & Jayaram Sethuraman Testing the Minimal Repair Assumption in an Imperfect Repair Model 1991
M0859 Antonine, R., Doss, H. & Hollander, M. A Comparison of Various Estimators in Reliability Models Involving Mutual Censorship of Co 1991
M0859 Robin Antoine, Hani Doss, & Myles Hollander A Comparison of Various Estimators in Reliability Models Involving Mutual Censorship of Co 1991
M0858 Boland, P. & Proschan, F. Stochastic Order in System Reliability Theory 1991
M0857 Abouammoh, A., El-Neweihi, E. & Sethurman, J. The Role of a Group of Modules on the Failure of Systems 1991
M0857 A. M. Abouammah, E. El-Neweihi, & Jayaram Sethuraman The Role of a Group of Modules in the Failure of Systems 1991
M0856 Doss, H. & Gill. R. An Elementary Approach to Weak Convergence for Quantile Processes, with Application to Ce 1991
M0856 Hani Doss & Richard D. Gill An Elementary Approach to Weak Convergence for Quantile Processes, with Applications to Ce 1991
M0855 Dorato, C., Hollander, M. Inequalities for the Parameters with Applications in Nonparametric Statistics 1991
M0855 Crisanto Dorado & Myles Hollander Inequalities for the Parameters lambda(F), mu(F) with Application in Nonparametric Statist 1991
M0854 Zaman, A. & Simberloff, D. Random Binary Matrices in Biogeographical Ecology 1991
M0854 Arif Zaman & Daniel Simberloff Random Binary Matrices in Biogeographical Ecology 1991
M0853 McKeague, I. & Zhang, M. Identification of Nonlinear Times Series from First Order Cumulative Characteristics 1991
M0853 Ian McKeague & Mei-Jie Zhang Identification of Nonlinear Times Series From First Order Cumulative Characteristics 1991
M0852 El-Neweihi, E. & Sethuraman, J. Order Statistics and Optimal Allocation Problems 1991
M0852 Emad El-Neweihi & Jayaram Sethuraman Order Statistics and Optimal Allocation Problems 1991
M0851 El-Neweihi, E. & Sethuraman, J. The Role of a Module in the Failure of a System 1991
M0851 Emad El-Neweihi & Jayaram Sethuraman The Role of a Module in the Failure of a System 1991
M0850 Doss, H. Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation for Incomplete Data via Successive Substitution Samplin 1991
M0850 Hani Doss Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation Incomplete Data Via Successive Substitution Sampling 1991
M0849 Ramakrishman, V. & Meeter, D. Negative Binomial Cross-Tabulations, with Applications to Abundance Data 1991
M0848 Huffer, F. & McKeague, I. Weighted Least Squares Estimation for Aalen's Additive Risk Model 1990
M0848 Fred W. Huffer & Ian McKeague Weighted Least Squares Estimation for Aalen's Addictice Risk Model 1990
M0847 Norris, J. & Meeter, D. Sampling Design for Observing Species 1991
M0847 James L. Norris, III and Duane A. Meeter Sampling Design for Observing Species 1991
M0846 Norris, J. & Meeter, D. A Jth-Order Boot Strap Bias-Corrected Estimator of the Number of Classes of Objects 1991
M0846 James L. Norris, III and Duane A. Meeter A Jth-Order Bootstrap Bias-Corrected Estimator of the Number of Classes of Objects 1991
M0845 Norris, J. & Meeter, D. A Bayesian Lower Limit for the Expected Number of Unobserved Classes 1991
M0845 James L. Norris, III and Duane A. Meeter A Bayesian Lower Limit for the Expected Number of Unobserved Classes 1991
M0844 Doss, H. & Chiang, Yuang-Chin Choosing the Resampling Scheme when Bootstrapping: A Case Study in Reliability 1991
M0844 Hani Doss Choosing the Resampling Scheme When Bootstrapping: A Case Study in Reliability 1991
M0843 Sethuraman, J. A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors 1991
M0843 Jayaram Sethuraman A Constructive Definition of Dirichlet Priors 1991
M0842 Boland, P., Proschan, F. & Tong, Y.L. A Stochastic Ordering of Partial Sums of Independent Random Variables and of Some Random 1991
M0842 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong A Stochastic Ordering of Partial Sums of Independent Random Variables and of Some Random P 1991
M0841 Hollander, M. & Pe?a, E. Some Classes of Nonparametric Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Censored Data, Part I: Simple Nul 1991
M0841 Myles Hollander & Edsel Pe�a Some Classes of Nonparametric Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Censored Data 1991
M0840 McKeague, I. & Zhang, M. On the Analysis of Grouped Survival Data Using Cumulative Occurrence/Exposure Rates 1991
M0840 Ian McKeague & Mei-Jie Zhang On the Analysis of Grouped Survival Data Using Cumulative Occureence/exposure Rates 1991
M0839 Boland, P., El-Neweihi, E. & Proschan, F. Stochastic Order for Redundancy Allocations in Series and Parallel Systems 1991
M0839 Philip J. Boland, Emad El-Neweihi, & Frank Proschan Stochastic Order for Redundancy Allocation in Series and Parallel Systems 1991
M0838 Boland, P., Proschan, F. & Tong, Y.L. Standby Redundancy Policies for Series Systems 1991
M0838 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Standby Redundancy Policies for Series Systems 1991
M0837 Burr, T. & Kurien, T. V. Estimating and Modeling Gene Flow for a Spatially Distributed Species 1991
M0837 T. Burr & T. V. Kurien Estimating and modeling gene flow for a spatially distributed species 1991
M0836 Kurien, T. V. & Sethuraman, J. Singularities in Gaussian Random Fields 1991
M0836 T. V. Kurien Singularities in Gaussian Random Fields 1991
M0835 Sethuraman, J. The Asymptotic Distribution of the Renyi Maximal Correlation 1990
M0835 Jayaram Sethuraman The Asymptotic Distribution of the Renyi Maximal Correlation 1990
M0834 Jin, K. Empirical Smoothing Parameter Selection in Adaptive Estimation 1990
M0834 [Odd #s ONLY] Kun Jin Empirical Smoothing Parameter Selection in Adaptive Estimation 1990
M0833 Alzaid, A. & Proschan, F. Max-Infinite Divisibility and Multivariate Total Positivity 1991
M0833 Abdulhamid A. Alzaid & Frank Proschan Max-Infinite Divisibility and Multivariate Total Positivity 1991
M0832 Kurien, T. V. & Sethuraman, J. A Mixed Limit Theorem for Stable Random Fields 1991
M0832 T. V. Kurien & Jayaram Sethuraman A Mixed Limit Theorem for Stable Random Fields 1991
M0831 Hanson, M. A. A Generalization of the the Vander Waerden Permanent Problem 1990
M0831 [MISSING]    
M0830 Krebs, W. Hitting Time Bounds for Brownian Motion on a Fractal 1990
M0830 William B. Krebs Hitting Time Bounds for Brownian Motion on a Fractal 1990
M0829 El-Neweihi, E. & Sethuraman, J. A Study of the Role of Modules in the Failure of Systems 1990
M0829 Emad El-Neweihi & Jayaram Sethuraman A Study of the Role of Modules in the Failure of Systems 1990
M0828 Kim, J. S. & Proschan, F. A Review: The Arrangement Increasing Partial Ordering 1990
M0828 Jee Soo Kim & Frank Proschan A Review: the Arrangement Increasing Partial Ordering 1990
M0827 Boland, Ph., El-Neweihi, E. & Proschan, F. Stochastic Order for Inspection and Repair Policies 1990
M0827 Philip J. Boland, Emad El-Neweihi, & Frank Proschan Stochastic Order for Inspection and Repair Policies 1990
M0826 Hollander, M. & Pena, E. A Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Randomly Censored Data 1990
M0826 Myles Hollander & Edsel Pe�a A Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test for Randomly Censored Data 1990
M0825 Hanson, M. A. A Simple Solution of the Van Der Waerden Permanent Problem 1990
M0824 Zaman, A. & Marsaglia, G. Random Selection of Subsets with Specified Element Probabilities 1990
M0824 Arif Zaman & George Marsaglia Random Selection of Subsets with Specified Element Probabilities 1990
M0823 Leysieffer, F. W. The Second Fifteen Years: A Continuation of the Chronicle of the Department of Statistics 1990
M0823 Fred Leysieffer The Second Fifteen Years: A Continuation of the Chronicle of the Department of Statistics 1990
M0821 Clair, J. H. & Meeter, D. A. A Hypothesis Test of Cumulative Sums of Multinomial Parameters 1990
M0821 J. H. Clair & D. A. Meeter A Hypothesis Test of Cummulative Sums of Mulitnominal Parameters 1990
M0820 Hanson, M. A. Solutions for a Class of Invex Programming Problems 1990
M0820 Morgan A. Hanson Solutions for a Class of Invex Programming Problems 1990
M0819 Subhash C. Kochar & Frank Proschan Independence of Time and Cause of Failure in the Multiple Dependent Competing Risks Model 1990
M0818 Myles Hollander, Brett Presnell, & Jayaram Sethuraman Nonparametric Inference Under Minimal Repair 1990
M0817 Myles Hollander, Brett Presnell, & Jayaram Sethuraman Nonparametric Methods for Imperfect Repair Models 1989
M0816 Frederick W. Leyseiffer & Michael Proschan A Partial Ordering of Rank Densities 1989
M0815 Kumar Joag-Dev & Jayaram Sethuraman Two Basic Partial Orderings for Distributions Derived from Schur Functions and Majorizatio 1989
M0814 Ian McKeague & Tiziano Tofoni Nonparametric estimation of trends in linear stochastic systems 1989
M0813 Narasinga Rao Chaganty & Jayaram Sethuraman Strong Large Deviation and Local Limit Theorems 1989
M0812 William B. Krebs A Diffusion Defined on a Fractal State Space 1989
M0811 Frank Proschan & Yung L. Tong Chapter C: Multivariate Arrangment Increasing Functions 1989
M0810 M. A. Hanson Nonconvex Quadratic Programming 1990
M0809 Reissued as M819 Reissued as M819  
M0808 Abdulhamid Alzaid & Frank Proschan Dispersivity and Stochastic Majorization 1989
M0807 S. W. Dharmadhikari & Kumar Jogdeo Upper Bounds for the Variances Certain Random Variables 1989
M0806 Hani Doss & Richard D. Gill A Method for Obtaining Weak Convergence Results for Quantile Processes, with Applications 1989
M0805 Frank Proschan & Yung L. Tong Chapter 29: Log-Concavity Property of Probability Measures 1989
M0804 Frank Proschan & Yung L. Tong Chapter 28. Muirhead's Theorem-Related Moment and Probability Inequalities 1989
M0803 Frank Proschan & Yung L. Tong Chapter 27. Convexity-Related Moment and Probability Inequalities 1989
M0802 George Marsaglia & Arif Zaman A New Class of Random Number Generators 1989
M0801 Frank Proschan & Yung L. Tong Chapter B. Applications of Arrangement Ordering 1989
M0800 Frank Proschan & Yung L. Tong Chapter A. Arrangement Ordering 1989
M0799 G. Gopal & K. Suresh Chandra On the Estimation of Coefficients of Simultaneous Linear Explosive Model of Higher Orders 1989
M0798 Kumar Joah-Dev & Frank Proschan The Birthday Problem with Unlike Probablities 1989
M0797 David Aldous & William B. Krebs The "Birth-and-Assassination" Process 1988
M0796 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Crossing Properties of Mixture Distributions 1988
M0795 Jee Soo Kim & Frank Proschan Piecewise Exponential Estimator of the Survival Function 1988
M0794 Philip J. Boland, Emad El-Neweihi, & Frank Proschan Redundancy Importance and Allocation of Spares in Coherent Systems 1988
M0793 Ian McKeague & Klaus Utikal Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Additive Hazards and Proportional Hazards Models 1988
M0792 Manish Bhattacharjee & Jayaram Sethuraman Families of Life Distributions Characterized by Two Moments 1988
M0791 Fumio Ohi & Frank Proschan Crossing Properties of Reliability Functions 1988
M0790 McKeague, I. & Utikal, K. Stochastic calculus as a tool in survival analysis: a review 1988
M0789 Fred Huffer Ordering Distributions on the Circle with Respect to Uniformity 1988
M0788 Kumar Joag-Dev & Frank Proschan A Covariance Inequality for Coherent Structures 1988
M0787 Wai Chan & Frank Proschan Convey-Ordering Among Function With Applications to Reliability and Mathematical Statistic 1988
M0786 C. Singh & M. A. Hanson Generalized Proper Efficiency in Multiobjective Programming 1988
M0785 C. Singh & M. A. Hanson Generalized Proper Efficiency in Multiobjective Programming 1988
M0784 A. M. Abouammah, E. El-Neweihi, & F. Proschan Schur Structure Functions 1988
M0783 Ian McKeague & Klaus Utikal Identifying Nonlinear Covariate Effects in Semimartingale Regression 1988
M0782R Abdulhamid Alzaid, Jee Soo Kim, & Frank Proschan Laplace Ordering and Its Reliability Applications [missing pages] 1989
M0782R Abdulhamid Alzaid, Jee Soo Kim, & Frank Proschan Laplace Ordering and Its Reliability Applications 1989
M0782 Jee Soo Kim & Frank Proschan Laplace Ordering and Its Reliability Applications 1988
M0781 Myles Hollander & Edsel Pe�a Families of Confidence Bands for Survival Function1,2 1988
M0780 Philip J. Boland, Emad El-Neweihi, & Frank Proschan Active Redundancy Allocation in Coherent Systems 1988
M0779 P. R. Santana & M. Taksar Finite Horizon Singular Control and a Related Two-Person-Game 1988
M0778 Proschan, F. & Tsaturyan, G. Comparison of series-parallel (parallel-series) systems using Schur function theory 1988
M0778 Frank Proschan & Gagik Tsaturyan Comparison of Series-Parallel (Parallel-Series) Systems Using Schur Function Theory 1988
M0777 Doss, H. & Sethuraman, J. Bias reduction when there is no unbiased estimate 1988
M0777 Hani Doss & Jayaram Sethuraman Bias Reduction when There is no Unbiased Estimate 1988
M0776 Hollander, M. & Pena, E. Nonparametric tests under restricted treatment assignment rules 1987
M0775 Deborah Burr On Errors-in-Variables in Binary Regression-Berkson Case 1987
M0774 Ian McKeague Asymptotic Theory for Weighted Least Squares Estimators in Aalen's Additive Risk Model 1987
M0773 Jee Soo Kim, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sethuraman Stochastic Comparisons of Order Statistics with Applications in Reliability 1989
M0772 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Dependence in Majority Systems 1987
M0771 Hani Doss & Steven Freitag A Method for Obtaining Bahadur Representations for Quantile Processes, with Applications t 1987
M0770R Ian McKeague & Klaus Utikal Inference for a Nonlinear Counting Process Regression Model 1989
M0770 Ian McKeague Inference for a Nonlinear Semimartingale Regression Model 1987
M0769 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Some Majorization Inequalities for Functions of Exchangeable Random Variables 1987
M0768 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Optimal Arrangement of Components via Pairwise Rearrangements 1987
M0767 Hani Doss Measuring the Dependence Between Two Processes Through Confidence Intervals for the Second 1987
M0766 George Marsaglia & Arif Zaman Toward a Universal Random Number Generator 1987
M0765 Ian McKeague A Counting Process Approach to the Regression Analysis of Grouped Survival Data 1987
M0764 George Marsaglia The X + Y, X/Y Characterization of the Gamma Distribution 1987
M0763 George Marsaglia & John C. W. Marsaglia A New Derivation of Stirling's Approximations to n! 1987
M0762 Michael J. Schell & Frederick W. Leysieffer Bivariate Low Dose Extrapolation 1987
M0761 Peter J. Danaher Parameter Estimation for the Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution Using Supplementary Beta-B 1987
M0760 Peter J. Danaher A Three-Parameter Generalisation with Applications 1987
M0759 Suresh Sethi & Michael Taksar Deterministic Equivalent for a Continuous Linear-Convex Stochastic Control Problem 1987
M0758 Peter J. Danaher Predicting Magazine Audience with a Loglinear Model 1987
M0757 J. L. Menaldi & Michael I. Taksar Optimal Correction Problems of a Multidimensional Stochastic System 1987
M0756 Fred Huffer & Ian McKeague Survival Analysis Using Additive Risk Models 1987
M0756 McKeague, I. & Huffer, F. Survival analysis using additive risk models 1987
M0755 Morgan A. Hanson & Norma G. Rueda A Sufficient Condition for Invexity 1987
M0754 Michael Taksar Singular Control in a Multidimensional Space with Control Costs Proportional to Displaceme 1987
M0753 J. L. Menaldi & Michael I. Taksar Singular Control of Multidimensional Brownian Motion 1986
M0752 P. J. Fitzsimmons & Michael Taksar Stationary Regenerative Sets and Subordinators 1986
M0751 Michael Taksar & Winfried Grassmann Probabilistic Approach to Computational Algorithms Finding Stationary Distributions of Mar 1986
M0750 Suresh Sethi & Michael Taksar Infinite Horizon Investment Consumption Model with a Nonterminal Bankruptcy 1986
M0749 M. C. Bhattacharjee The Time to Extinction of Branching Processes and Log-convexity: I 1986
M0748 Michael Taksar, Michael J. Klass, & David Assaf A Diffusion Model for Optimal Portolio Selection in the Presence of Brokerage Frees 1986
M0747 Suresh S. Sethi & Michael Taksar Optimal Consumption and Investment Policies with Bankruptcy Modelled by a Diffusion with D 1986
M0746 Michael Taksar Free Boundary Control of Brownian Motion and a Related Optimal Stopping Problem 1986
M0745 Suresh P. Sethi & Michael Taksar A Note of Merton's "Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model" 1986
M0744 P. J. Fitzsimmons & Michael Taksar Construction of Stationary Sets Via Kuznetsov Measures 1986
M0743 Myles Hollander & Edsel Pe�a Confidence Bands Under Proportional Hazards 1986
M0742 Hani Doss & Steven Freitag Bahadur Representation of Quantiles of the Kaplan-Meier Estimator and the Asymptotic Indep 1986
M0741 Ian McKeague Nonparametric Inference in Additive Risk Models for Counting Processes 1986
M0740 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Schur Convexity of the Maximum Likelihood Function for the Multivariate Hypergeometric and 1986
M0739 Narasinga Rao Chaganty & Jayaram Sethuraman Strong Large Deviation and Local Limit Theorems 1986
M0738 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Multivariate Arrangement Increasing Functions with Applications in Probability and Statist 1986
M0737 M. A. Hanson Continuous-time Programming 1986
M0736 Narasinga Rao Chaganty & Jayaram Sethuraman Large Deviation Local Limit Theorems for Random Vectors 1986
M0735 Emad El-Neweihi, Frank Proschan & Jayaram Sethuraman Optimal Assembly of Systems Using Schur-functions and Majorization 1986
M0734 Myles Hollander & Edsel Pe�a Tests Conditional on Imbalance with Biased Coin Designs 1986
M0733 Kumar Joag-Dev & Frank Proschan A Covariance Inequality for Coherent Structures 1986
M0732 Narasinga Rao Chaganty On the Elementary Theorems of Decision Theory 1986
M0731 Eric S. Tollar The Renewal Equation for Markov Renewal Processes with Applications to Stage Models 1986
M0730 James Lynch & Jayaram Sethuraman The Large Deviation Principle for the Sample Average Process and Functional Erdos- R�nyi L 1986
M0729 Donna C. Herge, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sethuraman Optimal Replacement Age in an Imperfect Inspection Model 1986
M0728 Myles Hollander & Edsel Pe�a Exact Significance Testing with Biased Coin Randomization 1986
M0727 Myles Hollander Easily-Stated But Hard Statistical Problems 1986
M0726 Michael Taksar Stationary Markov Sets 1986
M0725 Eric S. Tollar A Two Compartment Storage Model with an Underlying Semi-Markov Process 1986
M0724 Fred Huffer Inequalities for the M/G/? Queue and Related Shot Noise Processes 1986
M0723 Duane A. Meeter Row Similarity in Binary-Valued Matrices 1986
M0722 Ian McKeague Asymptotic Theory for Sieve Estimators Semimartingale Regression Models 1986
M0721 Eric S. Tollar A Reversal Argument for Storage Models Defined on Semi-Markov Processes 1986
M0720 R. R. Egudo & M. A. Hanson Multiobjective Duality with Invexity 1986
M0719 R. R. Egudo & M. A. Hanson Converse Duality in Nonlinear Programming 1986
M0718 Ian McKeague The Method of Sieves: a Survey of Recent Applications 1985
M0717 Hani Doss, Steven Freitag, & Frank Proschan Estimating Jointly System and Component Reliabilities Using a Mutual Censorship Approach 1986
M0716 M. A. Hanson & B. Mond Self-Duality and Invexity 1986
M0715 M. A. Hanson & B. Mond Convex Transformable Programming Problems and Invexity 1985
M0714 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Fault Diversity in Software Reliability 1985
M0714 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Fault Diversity in Software Reliability 1985
M0713 Norma G. Rueda & Morgan A. Hanson Optimality Criteria in Mathematical Programming Involving Generalized Invexity 1985
M0712R Wai Chan, Dong Ho Park & Frank Proschan Peakedness of Weighted Averages of Jointly Distributed Random Variables 1987
M0712 Wai Chan, Dong Ho Park, & Frank Proschan Peakedness of Weighted Averages of Jointly Distributed Random Variables 1985
M0712 Wai Chan, Dong Ho Park & Frank Proschan Peakedness of Weighted Averages of Jointly Distributed Random Variables 1987
M0711 Hani Doss, Steven Freitag, & Frank Proschan Assessing System Reliability Using Censoring Methodology 1985
M0710 Eric S. Tollar A Test for Program Effect in the Absence of a Proper Control Group 1985
M0710 Eric S. Tollar A Test for Program Effect in the Absence of a Proper Control Group 1985
M0709 Wai Chan & Jayaram Sethuraman Failure Times in Maintenance Models 1985
M0709 Wai Chan & Jayaram Sethuraman Failure Times in Maintenance Models 1985
M0708 Philip J. Boland, Frank Proschan, & Y. L. Tong Moment and Geometric Probability Inequalities Arising from Arrangement Increasing Function 1985
M0707 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & James Sconing Efficiency Loss with the Kaplan-Meier Estimator 1985
M0706 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & James Sconing Measures of Dependence for Evaluating Information in Censored Models 1985
M0706 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & James Sconing Measures of Dependence for Evaluating Information in Censored Models 1985
M0705 Eric S. Tollar A Characterization of the Gamma Distribution from a Random Difference Equation 1985
M0704 Emad El-Neweihi, Frank Proschan & Jayaram Sethuraman Optimal Allocation of Multistate Components 1985
M0703 Kumar Joag-Dev & Frank Proschan A Negative Result About Some Concepts of Negative Dependence 1985
M0702 Frank Guess & Frank Proschan Mean Residual Life: Theory and Applications 1985
M0701 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & James Sconing Information in Censored Models 1985
M0701 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & James Sconing Information in Censored Models 1985
M0700 Gillian M. Mimmack & Frank Proschan Piecewise Geometric Estimation of a Survival Function 1985
M0699 Emad El-Neweihi, Frank Proschan & Jayaram Sethuraman Optimum Allocation in Multistate Systems with Applications in Reliability 1985
M0697 Michael J. Schell & Frederick W. Leysieffer An Increasing Failure Rate Approach to Low Dose Extrapolation 1985
M0696 George Casella & Roger L. Berger Reconciling Bayesian and Frequentist Evidence in the One-Sided Testing Problem 1985
M0695 Charles E. McCulloch, Daniel R. Boroto, Duane Meeter, Ronald Polland, & Douglas A. Zahn An Expanded Approach to Educating Statistical Consultants 1985
M0694 Eric S. Tollar On the Limit Behavior of a Multi-Compartment Storage Model with an Underlying Markov Chain 1985
M0693 Eric S. Tollar On the Limit Behavior of a Multi-Compartment Storage Model with an Underlying Markov Chain 1985
M0692 Narasinga Rao Chaganty & Jayaram Sethuraman Central Limit Theorems in the Area of Large Deviations for Some Dependent Random Variables 1985
M0691 C. Singh & M. A. Hanson Saddlepoint Theory for Nondifferentiable Multiobjective Fractional Programming 1985
M0690 Emad El-Neweihi, Frank Proschan & Jayaram Sethuraman Optimal Allocation of Components in Parallel-Series and Series-Parallel Systems 1984
M0689 Arif Zaman A Finite Form of De Finetti's Theorem for Stationary Markov Exchangeability 1984
M0688 Ian McKeague & Charles R. Baker The Coding Capacity of Mismatched Gaussian Channels* 1984
M0686 Ian McKeague Estimation for a Semimartingale Regression Model Using the Method of Sieves 1984
M0685 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Frank Proschan Generating Positively Correlated Random Variables from a Sequence of Independent Random Va 1984
M0684 [SCANNING ERROR] Wai Chan, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sethuraman Schur-Ostrowski Theorems for Functionals on L1 (0,1) 1984
M0683 M. A. Hanson & B. Mond Necessary and Sufficient Conditions in Constrained Optimization 1984
M0681 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan An Integral Inequality with Applications to Order Statistics 1984
M0680 J. Sethuraman & Thomas R. Young Cumulative Damage Threshold Crossing Models 1984
M0679 Hani Doss On Estimating the Dependence Between Two Point Processes 1984
M0678 James Lynch, Gillian Mimmack, & Frank Proschan TP2 Orderings 1984
M0677 Arif Zaman & Asad Zaman Kolmogorov's and Mourier's Strong Laws for Arrays with Independent and Identically Distrib 1984
M0676 Eric S. Tollar On a Random Difference Equation for Matrices and a Characterization of the Gamma Distribut 1984
M0675 Prem S. Puri & Eric S. Tollar On the Limit Behavior of Certain Quantities in a Subcritical Storage Model 1984
M0674 Ian McKeague Estimation for Infinite Dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes 1983
M0673 Pi-Erh Lin & John Rasp A Short-Count Method for the Estimation of Traffic Turning Movements 1983
M0672 Catherine D'Abadie & Frank Proschan Stochastic Rearrangement Inequalities 1983
M0671 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Computing the Reliability of k out of n Systems 1983
M0670 Emad El-Neweihi & Frank Proschan Component Relevancy in Multistate Systems 1983
M0669 Myles Hollander, Dong Ho Park, & Frank Proschan Testing Whether New is Better than Used of a Specified Age, with Randomly Censored Data 1983
M0668 Catherine D'Abadie & Frank Proschan Stochastic Versions of Rearrangement Inequalities 1983
M0667 Robert A. Fontenot & Frank Proschan Some Imperfect Maintenance Models 1983
M0666 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan The Impact of Reliability Theory on Some Branches of Mathematics and Statistics 1983
M0665 Frank Guess, Myles Hollander, & Frank Proschan Testing Whether Mean Residual Life Changes Trend 1983
M0664 Jayaram Sethuraman Some Extensions of the Skorohod Representation Theorem 1983
M0663 Jee Soo Kim & Frank Proschan Total Positivity: A Review 1983
M0662 Arif Zaman Urn Models for Markov Exchangeability 1983
M0661 Wai Chan, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sethuraman Convex-Ordering Among Functions, with Applications to Reliability and Mathematical Statist 1983
M0660 Atef M. Abdel-Moneim & Frederick W. Leyseiffer Lumpability for Non-Irreducible Finite Markov Chains 1983
M0659 S. W. Dharmadhikari & Kumar Jogdeo The Gauss-Tchebyshev Inequality for Unimodal Distributions 1983
M0658 Hani Doss Bayesian Estimation in the Symmetric Location Problem 1983
M0657 Hani Doss Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation of the Median; PartII: Asymptotic Properties of the Esti 1983
M0655 Arif Zaman A Non-Clustering Property of Stationary Sequences 1983
M0654 Hani Doss Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation of the Median; Part I: Computation of the Estimates 1983
M0653 Ian McKeague Estimation for Diffusion Processes Under Misspecified Models 1983
M0652 Roger L. Berger & Frank Proschan Applications of a Unified Theory of Monotonicity in Selection Problems 1983
M0651 James Lynch & Frank Proschan Dispersive Ordering Results 1983
M0650 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin Fitting a Multiple Regression Function 1982
M0649 T. Weir, M. A. Hanson, & B. Mond Generalized Concavity and Duality in Continuous Programming 1982
M0648 Dennis A. Brindley & Ralph A. Bradley Some New Results on Grubbs's Estimators 1983
M0647 Roger L. Berger & Frank Proschan Monotonicity in Selection Problems: A Unified Approach 1982
M0646 Myles Hollander, Dong Ho Park, & Frank Proschan Testing Whether New is Better than Used 'Of a Specified Age' 1983
M0645 Douglas A. Zahn & Daniel J. Isenberg Non-Statistical Aspects of Statistical Consulting 1982
M0644 James Lynch On Convergence in Probability for Normed Linear Spaces 1982
M0643 D. Basu On Likelihood: A Bayesian View 1982
M0642 Ian McKeague On the Stability of Bayes Estimators for Gaussian Processes 1982
M0641R Charles E. McCulloch, Daniel R. Boroto, Duane Meeter, Ronald Polland, & Douglas A. Zahn A Holistic Approach to Training Statistical Consultants 1984
M0641 Charles E. McCulloch, Daniel R. Boroto, Duane Meeter, Ronald Polland, & Douglas A. Zahn A Holistic Approach to Training Statistical Consultants 1982
M0639 Roger L. Berger & Dennis F. Sinclair Testing Hypotheses Which Are Unions of Linear Subspaces 1982
M0638 Frank Proschan & Moshe Shaked Random Averaging of Vector Elements 1982
M0637 Emad El-Neweihi & Frank Proschan Degradable Systems: A Survey of Multistate System Theory 1982
M0636 Dennis F. Sinclair & Duane A. Meeter Tests for Displacement and Deletion 1982
M0635 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Optimal Arrangement of Systems 1982
M0634 Narasinga Rao Chaganty & Jayaram Sethuraman Central Limit Theorems in the Area of Large Deviations for Some Dependent Random Variables 1982
M0633 Pi-Erh Lin & Amany Mousa Minimax Estimation of a Multivariate Normal Mean Under a Quadratic Loss Functions with Unk 1982
M0632 Robert A. Fontenot & Frank Proschan Transformations Which Preserve Convexity 1982
M0631 Carlos Alberto de Bragance Pereira & Josemar Rodrigues Robust Linear Prediction in Finite Populations 1982
M0630 Narasinga Rao Chaganty & Jayaram Sethuraman Large Deviation Local Limit Theorems for Arbitrary Sequences of Random Variables 1982
M0628 Roger L. Berger & Jee Soo Kim Ranking and Subset Selection Procedures for Exponential Populations with Type-I and Type-I 1982
M0627 D.V. Lindley The Role of Randomization in Inference 1982
M0626 Myles Hollander, Dong Ho Park, & Frank Proschan Testing Whether F is "More NBU" Than is G 1982
M0624 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Estimation of the Percentile Residual Life Function 1982
M0623 Michele Pavon On a Class of sigma-Algebras Which Admit an Independent Complement 1982
M0622 Michele Pavon New Results on the Interpolation Problem for Continuous-Time Stationary-Increments Process 1982
M0621 Ian McKeague The Strong Converse for the Time-Continuous White Gaussian Channel with Feedback and other 1982
M0620 Kumar Jogdeo, Michael D. Perlman, & Loren D. Pitt Association of Normal Random Variables and Slepian's Inequality 1982
M0619 S. W. Dharmadhikari & Kumar Jogdeo Unimodality of Symmetrized Unimodal Laws and Related Results 1982
M0618 Sami N. Abdelhamid On Estimation Via Optimal Stochastic Approximation Procedures 1982
M0617 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Tests for Properties of Residual Life 1982
M0616 Michele Pavon A New Algorithm for Optimal Interpolation of Discrete-Time Stationary Processes 1982
M0615 Ralph A. Bradley Paired Comparisons 1982
M0614 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Tests for Properties of the Percentile Residual Life Function 1982
M0613 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Asymptotic Normality of L-Statistics with Randomly Censored Data 1982
M0612 Philip J. Boland Periodic Replacement When Minimal Repair Costs Vary with Time 1982
M0611 Myles Hollander & Frank Proschan Nonparametric Concepts and Methods in Reliability 1982
M0610 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan The Reliability of k Out of n Systems 1982
M0609 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Comparison of Two Life Distributions on the Basis of Their Percentile Residual Life Functi 1982
M0607 Roger L. Berger Testing Whether One Regression Function is Everywhere Larger Than Another 1982
M0606 Mark Brown & Frank Proschan Imperfect Maintenance 1981
M0605 Dennis F. Sinclair Hypothesis Testing for Ordered Means, with Applications 1982
M0604 Wagner de Souza Borges, Frank Proschan, Josemar Rodrigues A Simple Test for New Better than Used in Expectation 1982
M0603 Dennis F. Sinclair Hypothesis Testing for Ordered Means, with Applications 1982
M0603 Sami N. Abdelhamid On Optimal Multidimensional Stochastic Approximation Procesdures 1981
M0602 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Optimum Replacement of a System Subject to Shocks 1981
M0601 Pi-Erh Lin A Class of Generalized Correlation Coefficients 1981
M0600 M. A. Hanson & B. Mond Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Global Optimality in Constrained Optimization 1981
M0599 Myles Hollander Testing for Symmetry 1981
M0598 Benedikt Johannesson & Morgan A. Hanson A Generalization of Basic Feasible Solutions to Continuous Time Programming 1981
M0597 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Distributions with Monotone Failure Rate 1981
M0596 Ralph A. Bradley Statistics at the Chinese Universities 1981
M0595 Robert Hannum & Myles Hollander Robustness of Ferguson's Bayes Estimator of a Distribution Function 1981
M0594 Ralph A. Bradley The Future of Statistics as a Discipline 1981
M0593 Pi-Erh Lin & Amany Mousa Proper Bayes Minimax Estimators for a Multivariate Normal Mean with Unknown Common Varianc 1981
M0592 Thomas Redman Use of Log-Linear Models in Classification Problems 1981
M0590 Kumar Jogdeo & Frank Proschan Negative Association of Random Variables, with Applications 1981
M0589 Lynne Billard & Fouad Y. Mohamed Estimation of the Parameters of an Ear (p) Process 1981
M0588 Nasser R. Arghami & L. Billard A Modification of a Truncated Partial Sequential Procedure 1981
M0586 Mark Brown Approximating IMRL Distributions by Exponential Distributions, with Applications to First 1981
M0585 Myles Hollander A Distribution-Free Test for Extreme Reactions 1981
M0584 D. Basu & S. C. Cheng A Note on the Notion of Adequacy 1981
M0583 Jayaram Sethuraman & Ram Tiwari Convergence of Dirichlet Measures and the Interpretation of Their Parameter 1981
M0582 Atef Abdel-Moneim & Frederick Leysieffer Weak Lumpability in Finite Markov Chains 1981
M0581 Frederick W. Faltin & Charles E. McCulloch On the Small-Sample Properties of the Olkin-Sobel-Tong Estimator of the Probability of Cor 1981
M0580 G. B. Nath & H. B. Nath Tests for Homogeneity of Dichotomous Responses 1981
M0579 G. Baikunth Nath Optimal Age Replacement Policy with Inefficient Repair 1981
M0578 Philip J. Boland & Frank Proschan Periodic Replacement with Increasing Minimal Repair Costs at Failure 1981
M0577 D. Basu Ancillary Statistics, Pivotal Quantities and Confidence Statements 1980
M0576 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Estimating a Decreasing Mean Residual Life Distribution from Complete or Incomplete Data 1981
M0575 Smiley W. Cheng On the Most Powerful Quantile Test of the Scale Parameter 1981
M0574 Myles Hollander A Distribution-Free Test for Concurrence 1981
M0573 Roger L. Berger & Naftali A. Langberg Linear Least Squares Estimates and Nonlinear Means 1981
M0572 Myles Hollander A Nonparametric Test for Parallelism 1981
M0571 D. Basu & Carlos A. B. Pereira A Note on Blackwell Sufficiency and Skibinsky Characterization of Distributions 1981
M0570 Ian McKeague On the Capacity of Channels with Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Noise 1981
M0569 Ching-Ming Yeh & Ralph Bradley A Theorem on Trend-Free Block Designs 1981
M0568R Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Life Distribution Models and Incomplete Data [revision] 1985
M0568 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Life Distribution Models and Incomplete Data 1981
M0567 D. Basu & Carlos A. B. Pereira Conditional Independence in Statistics 1981
M0566 Ralph A. Bradley Graduate Programs in Statistics - A Disscussion 1980
M0565 Charles E. McCulloch Symmetric Matrix Derivatives with Applications 1980
M0564 Smiley W. Cheng & James C. Fu Estimation of Mixed Weibull Parameters in Life Testing 1980
M0563 Mark Brown Assessment of Reliability for Repairable Systems 1980
M0562 Thomas Redman New Estimation Methods for Log-Linear Models 1981
M0561 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Characterizations of Discrete Monotone Failure Rate 1980
M0560 Roger L. Berger Selecting All Trestments Better than a Control Using Existing Tables 1980
M0559 Herbert Lacayo, Carlos A. B. Pereria, Frank Proschan, & Carl Sarndal Optimal Sample Depends on Optimality 1980
M0558 D. Basu & Carlos A. B. Pereira On the Bayesian Analysis of Categorical Data: The Problem of Nonresponse 1980
M0557 Harry Joe & Frank Proschan Shock Models Arising from Processes with Stationary, Independent, Non-negative Increments 1980
M0556 Lynne Billard Empirical Bayes Estimators and Some of Their Properties for the Transition Probability Mat 1981
M0555 Roger L. Berger Multiparameter Hypothesis Testing and Acceptance Sampling 1980
M0554 Mark Brown Some Remarks on Goodness of Fit [never completed] 1981
M0553 Naftali A. Langberg & Moshe Shaked On the Identifiability of Multivariate Life Distribution Functions 1980
M0552 Mark Brown & C. N. Rao On the First Passage Time Distribution for a Class of Markov Chains 1980
M0550R Yuan-Yan Chen, Myles Hollander, & Naftali A. Langberg Small-Sample Properties of Two Survival Function Estimators Based on Imcomplete Data 1981
M0550 Yuan-Yan Chen, Myles Hollander, & Naftali A. Langberg Small Sample Properties of Two Survival Function Estimators Based on Imcomplete Data 1980
M0549 Yuan Yan Chen, Myles Hollander, & Naftali A. Langberg Tests for Monotone Mean Residual Life Using Randomly Censored Data 1980
M0548 John Kitchin, Naftali A. Langberg, & Frank Proschan A New Method for Estimating Life Distributions from Incomplete Data 1980
M0547 Lawrence Barker Allocating Observation Between Two Normal Populations to Maximize the Half Slope of the F- 1980
M0546 Mark Brown & Frank Proschan Imperfect Pair 1980
M0545R Salwa Fahmy, Carlos A. de B. Pereira, Frank Proschan & Moshe Shaked The Influence of the Sample on the Posterior Distribution 1981
M0545 Salwa Fahmy, Carlos A. B. Pereira, & Frank Proschan The Influence of the Sample on the Posterior Distribution 1980
M0544 Roger L. Berger A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Reaching a Consensus Using DeGroot's Method 1980
M0543 Carl Erik Sarndal & Tak-Kee Hui Estimation for Nonresponse Situations: To what Extent Must We Rely on Models? 1980
M0542 L. Billard & M. R. Meshkani Empirical Bates Estimation for Markov Chains 1980
M0541 Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, James Lynch, & Frank Proschan Extreme Points of the Class of Discrete Decreasing Failure Rate Average Life Distributions 1980
M0540 Emad El-Newihi, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sehuraman A Multivariate New Better Than Used Class Derived from a Shock Model 1980
M0538 Mark Brown & Sheldon M. Ross Randomly Evolving Hazard Rate Functions 1980
M0537 Myles Hollander & Ramesh M. Korwar Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation of the Horizontal Distance Between Two Populations 1980
M0536 D. Basu & R. C. Tiwari A Note on Dirichlet Process 1980
M0535 Ralph A. Bradley, Thomas C. Redman & Thomas A. Gleeson An Examination of the Effects of Cloud Seeding in Phase II of the Santa Barbara Convective 1980
M0534 Lawrence Barker A Pragmatic Bayesian Nonparametric Failure Rate Estimator 1980
M0532 Alan R. Zinsmeister & Frederick W. Leysieffer Independent Markov Particle Systems in Continuous Time 1980
M0531 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Chapter 1: Inference for the Exponential Life Distrubution of the book in progress: Date A 1980
M0530 H. Lacayo & Naftali A. Langberg The Exact & Asymptotic Formulas for the State Probabilities in Simple Epidemics with m Kin 1979
M0529 L. Barker & J. Sethuraman The Extremal Large Deviation Rate of the F-Statistic 1979
M0528 Mark Brown On the Choice of Variance for the Log Rank Test 1979
M0527 D. Basu & S. C. Cheng A Note on Sufficiency in Coherent Models 1979
M0526 L. Billard & M. R. Meshkani Modelling Weather Data as a Markov Chain 1979
M0525 Salwa Fahmy & Frank Proschan Bounds on Order Statistics Differences 1979
M0524 Emad El-Neweihi & Frank Proschan Unified Treatment of Some Inequalities Among Ratios of Means 1979
M0523 Naftali A. Langberg The Multivariate Normal Behavior of a Symmetric m-Dimensional Simple Epidemic 1979
M0522 Roger L. Berger A Minimax and Admissible Subset Selection Rule for the Least Probable Multinomial Cell 1979
M0521 Ralph A. Bradley & Elton Scott Randomization Tests in Support of Some Statistical Analyses of a Weather Modification Expe 1979
M0520 Robert C. Hannum, Myles Hollander, & Naftali A. Langberg Distributional Results for Random Functionals of a Dirichlet Process 1979
M0519 Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, James Lynch, & Frank Proschan Extreme Points of Certain Convex Subsets of Log-Convex Functions 1979
M0518 Kuang-Fu Cheng & Pi-Erh Lin Nonparametric Estimation of a Regression Function: Limiting Distribution 1979
M0517 Mark Brown Approximating DFR Distributions by Exponential Distributions, with Applications to First P 1979
M0516 L. Billard & M. Meshkani Nonstationary Markov Chains-Panel Study 1979
M0515 L. Billard Two-Sided Sequential Procedures 1979
M0514 Elton Scott A Multivariate Methodology for the Analysis of Weather Modification Experiments 1979
M0513 K. F. Cheng Contributions to Nonparametric Generalized Failure Rate Function Estimation 1979
M0512 Kuang-Fu Cheng & Pi-Erh Lin Nonparametric Estimation of a Regression Function 1979
M0511 K. F. Cheng On Rates of Convergence of Jackknife Estimators 1979
M0510 K. F. Cheng Strong Convergence in Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Functions 1979
M0509 Constance L. Wood & R. J. Serfling Limit Distributions of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Type Statistics Under a Fixed Alternative with E 1979
M0508 Ching-Ming Yeh & Ralph Bradley Trend-Free Block Designs: Existence and Construction Results 1979
M0507 K. F. Cheng & R. J. Serfling On Estimation of a Class of Efficacy-Related Parameters 1979
M0506 K. F. Cheng & R. J. Serfling On Rates of Convergence in the L2-Norm of Nonparametric Probability Density Estimates 1979
M0505 E. P. Cheng & R. J. Serfling Convergence Rates for the Mean Integrated Sqared Errors of Some Nonparametric Density Esti 1979
M0504 Mark Brown Further Monotonicity Properties for Specialized Renewal Processes 1979
M0503R Yuan Yan Chen, Myles Hollander, & Naftali A. Langberg Testing Whether New is Better Than Used with Randomly Censored Data 1982
M0503 Yuan-Yan Chen, Myles Hollander, & Naftali A. Langberg [MISSING PAGES] Testing Whether New is Better Than Used With Randomly Censored Data 1980
M0502 R. J. Serfling A Variation on Scheffe's Theorem with Application to Nonparametric Density Estimation 1979
M0501 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin On the Chernoff-Savage Theorem for Dependent Sequences 1979
M0500 L. Billard & M. R. Meshkani Estimation of a Single Stationary Markov Chain 1979
M0498 D. Basu & Richard Fagerstrom A Bayesian Approach to Bioassay 1979
M0497 Roger L. Berger Minimax Subset Selection for the Multinomial and Poisson Distributions 1979
M0496 D. Basu Discussion of Joseph Berkson: In Dispraise of the Exact Test 1979
M0495R Naftali A. Langberg On the Normal Convergence of a Class of Simple Batch Epidemics 1979
M0495 Naftali A. Langberg On the Normal Convergence of a Class of Simple Batch Epidemic Processes 1979
M0494 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sethuraman Functions Decreasing in Transposition with Applications to Shock, Damage, and Down Time 1979
M0493 Naftali A. Langberg On the Asymptotic Normality of Symmetric m-Dimensional Simple Epidemic Processes 1979
M0492 Pi-Erh Lin, Ke-Tsai Wu Asymptotic Join Distribution of Raios of Sample Quantiles to Sample Mean 1979
M0491 Frank Proschan Coherent Structure Theory: A Survey 1979
M0490 Ralph A. Bradley, Sushil S. Srivastava & Adolf Lanzdorf Some Approaches to Statistical Analysis of a Weather Modification Experiment 1979
M0489 J. S. Rao & J. Sethuraman Asymptotic Normality and Efficiencies of Tests Based on Modified Spacings 1979
M0488 Myles Hollander Tests for Dependence 1979
M0487 Edward A. Cooley & Pi-Erh Lin Bayes Minimax Estimators of a Multivariate Normal Mean, with Application to Generalized Ri 1979
M0486 Abdul-Hadi N. Ahmed, Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, & Frank Proschan Two Concepts of Positive Dependence, with Applications in Multivariate Analysis 1978
M0485R Naftali A. Langberg The Construction and Asymptotic Behavior of Some m-Dimensional Simple Epidemic Models 1980
M0485 Naftali A. Langberg On the Construction and Asymptotic Behaviour of m-Dimensional Simple Epidemic Models 1978
M0484R Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, James Lynch, & Frank Proschan The Extreme Points of the Set of Decreasing Failure Rate Distributions 1979
M0484 Myles Hollander The "New Better Than Used" (NBU) Test 1979
M0483 Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, & Frank Proschan Extreme Points of the Class of Discrete Decreasing Failure Rate Life Distributions 1978
M0482 Abdul-Hadi N. Ahmed, Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, & Frank Proschan Partial Ordering of Positive Quadrant Dependence, with Applications 1979
M0481 Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, & Frank Proschan Characterization of Partially Ordered Classes of Life Distributions 1978
M0480 Frank Proschan & Nozer D. Singpurwalla A New Approach to Inference from Accelerated Life Tests 1978
M0479 Myles Hollander The Bivariate Symmetry Test 1979
M0478 Naftali A. Langberg On a Characterization of Multivariate Distributions with Applications in Reliability and E 1978
M0477 Alan R. Zinsmeister & Thomas C. Redman A Time Series Analysis of Aerosol Composition Measurements 1978
M0476 L. Billard & M. R. Meshkani Statistical Inference for a Finite Markov Chain 1978
M0475 L. Billard & M. R. Meshkani Empirical Bayes Estimation for the Multinomial Distribution 1978
M0474 Frank Proschan & Nozer D. Singpurwalla Accelerated Life Testing- A Pragmatic Bayesian Approach 1978
M0473 Naftali A. Langberg, Ram�n V. Le�n, & Frank Proschan Characterization of Nonparametric Classes of Life Distributions 1978
M0472 J. Sethuraman & Nozer D. Singpurwalla Large Estimates and Uniform Confidence Bounds for the Failure Rate Function Based on a Nai 1978
M0471 J. Sethuraman & Nozer D. Singpurwalla Estimation and Testing of Hypotheses for Distributions in Accelerated Life Tests 1978
M0470 Duane A. Meeter Optimal Tactics in the Game of Risk 1978
M0469 Morgan A. Hanson, Lawrence E. Barber, & Charles H. Hunter [MISSING] A Bibliography of Weather Modification Experiments 1978
M0467 Ralph A. Bradley, Sushil S. Srivastava & Adolf Lanzdorf An Examination of the Effects of Cloud Seeding in Phase I of the Santa Barbara Convective 1979
M0466 D. Basu Randomization in Statistical Experiment 1978
M0465 L. Billard, H. Lacayo, & N. Langberg The Discrete Asymptotic Behaviour of a Simple Batch Epidemic Process 1978
M0464R Herbert Lacayo & Naftali A. Langberg The Convergence of the State Probabilities in a Class of m-Dimensional Simple Epidemic Mod 1980
M0464 H. Lacayo & Naftali A. Langberg On the Negative Binomial Convergence in a Class of M-Dimensional Simple Epidemics 1978
M0463 Roger L. Berger Gamma Minimax Robustness of Bayes Roles 1978
M0462 Emad El-Neweihi & Frank Proschan Multistate Reliability Models: A Survey 1978
M0461 L. Billard, H. Lacayo, & N. Langberg The Symmetric M-Dimensional Simple Epidemic Process 1978
M0459 L. Billard, H. Lacayo, & N. Langberg Generalizations of the Simple Epidemic Processes 1978
M0458 Myles Hollander & Frank Proschan [MISSING EVEN PAGES] Testing to Determine the Underlying Distribution Using Randomly Censo 1978
M0457 Vernon Watts On the Second Moment of the Remainder Term Appearing in the Intermediate Order Statistic R 1978
M0456 Y. C. Park, F. W. Leyseiffer & J. W. Winchester Anomalies in Lung Cancer Mortality Rates for White Males Along the Atlantic Coast of the S 1978
M0455 Naftali A. Langberg, Roger Johnson, & Ralph A. Bradley Stochastic Models for the Random Location of Individuals in a Habitat 1978
M0454 L. Billard, H. Lacayo, & N. Langberg A New Look at the Simple Epidemic Process 1978
M0453 Ralph A. Bradley & Ching-Ming Yeh Trend-Free Block Designs: Theory 1978
M0452 N. A. Langberg On the Asymptotic Normality of a Simple Batch Epidemic 1978
M0451 Roger L. Berger An Alternative Method for Partitioning a Group of Units into Subgroups 1978
M0450 R. Johnson & N. A. Langberg On Two Methods of Distance Sampling 1978
M0448 N. A. Langberg The Asymptotic Behavior for Some Special Cases of Simple Epidemics 1978
M0447R Naftali A. Langberg On the Normal Convergence of a Family of Simple Epidemics 1978
M0447 N. A. Langberg On the Convergence of a Family of Simple Epidemics to a Gaussian Process 1978
M0446 R. L. Taylor & K. F. Cheng On the Uniform Complete Convergence of Density Function Estimates 1977
M0445 N. A. Langberg On the Asymptotic Normality of a Simple Epidemic 1977
M0444 N. A. Langberg The Asymptotic Distribution of a Simple Stochastic Epidemic 1977
M0443 Vernon Watts The Weak Representation of Intermediate Order Statistics 1977
M0443 Vernon Watts The Weak Representation of Intermediate Order Statistics 1977
M0442 Elton Scott Data Summarization in a Weather Modification Experiment: III. A Multivariate Analysis 1978
M0440 Morgan A. Hanson, Lawrence E. Barber, & Charles H. Hunter Bibliography of Statistical and Meterologyical Methodology in Weather Modification: II 1977
M0439 N. A. Langberg A Characterization of a Multivariate Distribution with Some Exponential Properties 1977
M0438 N. Langberg, F. Proschan, & A. J. Quinzi Estimating Dependent Life Lengths, with Applications to the Theory of Competing Risks 1977
M0437 N. Langberg & F. Proschan A Reliability Growth Model Involving Dependent Components 1977
M0436 Vernon Watts Asymptotic Behavior of Intermediate Order Statistics: the Infinite Endpoint Case 1977
M0435 Clifford Spiegelman A Technique for Analyzing a Pretest-Posttest Nonrandomized Field Experiment 1977
M0434 Emad El-Neweihi, Frank Proschan & Jayaram Sethuraman Multistate Coherent Systems 1977
M0433 J. C. Conlon, R. Leon, F. Proschan, and J. Sethuraman G-Ordered Functions, with Applications in Statistics, II. Applications 1977
M0432 J. C. Colon, R. Leon, F. Proschan, and J. Sethuraman G-Ordered Functions, with Applications in Statistics, I. Theory 1977
M0431 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Allan Sampson Positive Dependence of the Bivariate and Trivariate Absolute Normal, t, x^2, and F Distrib 1977
M0430 R. J. Serfling On the Strong Law of Large Numbers and Related Results for Quasi-Stationary Sequences 1977
M0429 L. Billard & M. Meshkani Empirical Bayes Estimation of the Binomial Parameter 1977
M0428 R. J. Serfling Toward a Nonparametric Covariance Analysis of a Weather Modification Experiment 1977
M0427 Myles Hollander Testing Whether More Failures Occue Later 1977
M0426 Susan L. Conlon & L. Billard The Mean Duration Time of Carrier-Borne Epidemics 1977
M0425 R. J. Serfling On the Berry-Esseen Theorem for Simple Linear Rank Statistics 1977
M0424 James Lynch & Jayaram Sethuraman A Comparison of Two Sampling Schemes When Testing a Simple Hypothesis Versus a Simple Alte 1977
M0423 George Kimeldorf & Allan Sampson Monotone Dependence 1977
M0422 Gregory Campbell & Myles Hollander Prediction Intervals with the Dirichlet Prior 1977
M0421 J. C. Colon, R. Leon, F. Proschan, and J. Sethuraman G-Ordered Functions in Statistics 1977
M0420 Morgan A. Hanson Rank Tests in Weather Modification Experiments 1977
M0419 Thomas A. Gleeson Data Summarization in a Weather Modification Experiment: II. Concomitant Variables 1977
M0418 Gregory Campbell & Myles Hollander Nonparametrics Bayes Estimation with Incomplete Dirichlet Prior Information 1977
M0417 Ralph A. Bradley, Sushil S. Srivastava & Adolf Lanzdorf Data Summarization in a Weather Modification Experiment, I. A Response Surface Approach 1977
M0416 Dennis D. Boos A Differential for L-Statistics 1977
M0415 Dennis D. Boos & R. J. Serfling On Differentials, Asymptotic Normality and Almost Sure Behavior of Statistical Functions, 1977
M0414 Ralph A. Bradley & Abdulla T. El-Helbawy Some Optimal Design Results in Paired Comparisons 1977
M0413 Clifford Spiegelman Consistent Window Estimation of a Nonlinear Regression Function with Moment Inequalities 1977
M0412 Ramon V. Leon & Frank Proschan An Inequality for Convex Functions Involving G-Majorization 1977
M0411 M. Longnecker & R. J. Serfling Moment Inequalities for Sn Under General Dependence Restrictions, With Applications 1977
M0410 Charles Lester Bach An Interpretive History of Thirty-Years (1945-1975) of Weather Modification 1977
M0409 Ralph A. Bradley & Sushil S. Srivastava Correlation in Polynomial Regression 1977
M0408R Y. C. Park & R. F. Nassar On the Cost of Natural Selection in Finite Populations 1977
M0408 Y. C. Park The Cost of Natural Selection Due to Environmental Pollution in Finite Populations 1976
M0407 Douglas A. Zahn & Sara B. Fein Large Contingency Tables with Large Cell Frequencies: A Model Search Algorithm and Alterna 1977
M0406 C. Spiegelman Rates of Convergence for Window Estimates of a Regression Function 1977
M0405 C. Spiegelman Integrated Mean Square Consistency of Window Type Estimates of a Regression Functions 1976
M0404 Y. C. Park Theory for the Number of Genes Affection Quantitative Characters: II. Biases from Drift, D 1977
M0403 Y. C. Park Theory for the Number of Genes Affection Quantitative Characters: I. Estimation of and Var 1977
M0402 D. Basu Relevance of Randomization in Data Analysis: Part One 1977
M0401 Glen Meeden The Essential Completeness of Monotone Decision Procedures for Strict Monotone Likelihood 1977
M0400 Glen Meeden Comparing Two Probability Appraisers 1977
M0399 N. Langberg, F. Proschan, & A. J. Quinzi Transformations Yielding Reliability Models Based on Independent Random Variables: A Surve 1977
M0398 Myles Hollander & Jayaram Sethuraman Testing for Agreement Between Two Groups of Judges 1977
M0397 Y. C. Park & R. F. Nassar Theory of Response and Variance of Rseponse to Selection 1976
M0396 Emad El-Neweihi & Frank Proschan Unified Treatment of Inequalities of the Weierstrauss Product Type 1976
M0395 L. Billard & E. Esguerra Box-Jenkins, Smoothing, or Simple Guessing when Forecasting Time Series Data? 1976
M0394 F. Proschan & J. Sethuraman A Probability Model for Initial Crack Size and Fatigue Life of Gun Barrels 1976
M0393 L. Billard A Truncated Partial Sequential Procedure 1976
M0392 Emad El-Newihi, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sehuraman A Simple Model Applicable in Structural Reliability, Extinction of Species, Inventory Depl 1976
M0391 [MISSING] Emad El-Newihi, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sehuraman A Simple Model with Applications in Structural Reliability, Extinction of Species, Invento 1976
M0390 L. Billard & C. R. Longbotham On Modeling Epidemic Processes: A Time Series Approach 1976
M0389 Myles Hollander & Ramesh M. Korwar Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Estimation of the Probability that X?Y 1976
M0388 Morgan A. Hanson, Charles L. Bach, & Edward A . Cooley Bibliography of Statistical and Meterologyical Methodology in Weather Modification 1976
M0387 Clifford Spiegelman Estimating the Slop of a Straight Line When Both Variables are Subject to Error 1976
M0386 Roger Johnson & Duane Meeter The Estimation of Maximum Physical Performance 1976
M0385 Frederick W. Leyseiffer & Richard J. Sylvester Reprinted Articles in Statistics and Probability Theory: A Bibliography 1976
M0384 D. Basu On the Elimination of Nuisance Parameters, Part One 1976
M0383 Mike Longnecker & R. J. Serfling An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References on Maximal Inequalities and Their Applica 1976
M0382 D. Basu On Partially Sufficient Statistics 1976
M0381 Lynne Billard Bounds for the Average Sample Number Function for a Binomial Squential Test 1976
M0380 Dennis D. Boos & R. J. Serfling Development and Comparison of M-Estimators for Location on the Basis of the Asymptotic Var 1976
M0379 L. Billard Computational Aspects of Multidimensional Right-Shift Process 1976
M0378 R. J. Serfling On Stratification by Equal Cluster Size in Single-Stage Cluster Sampling 1976
M0377 S. R. Searle Proof 1976
M0376 Mike Longnecker & R. J. Serfling General Moment and Probability Inequalities for the Maximum Partial Sum 1976
M0375 P. F. Thall & R. J. Serfling Distorted Poisson Processes 1976
M0374 R. J. Serfling Some Elementary Results on Poisson Approximation in a Sequence of Bernoulli Trials 1976
M0373 L. Billard & James J. Rochon Box-Jenkins and Least Squares Analysis Compared: An Investigation into the Statistical Pro 1976
M0372 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin Nonparametric Estimation of a Vector-Valued Bivariate Failure Rate II: Limiting Distributi 1976
M0371 Mike Longnecker & R. J. Serfling A Note on Application of a Lemma of Billingsley 1976
M0370 Roger Johnson Statistical Aspects of Physical Performance 1976
M0369 Ibrahim Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin [missing odd pages] Nonparametric Estimation of a Density Functional 1976
M0368 Abdalla T. El-Helbawy & Ralph A. Bradley Treatment Contrasts in Paired Comparisons: Large-Sample Results, Applications and Some Opt 1976
M0367 N. Langberg, F. Proschan, & A. J. Quinzi Converting Dependent Models into Independent Ones, Preserving Essential Features 1976
M0366 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Multivariate Life Table Analysis 1976
M0365 R. J. Serfling The Role of the Poisson Distribution in Approximating System Reliability of k-out-of-n Str 1975
M0364 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Techniques for Analyzing Multivariate Failure Data 1975
M0363 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin Nonparametric Estimation of a Vector-Value Bivariate Failure Rate I: Consistency 1975
M0362 L. Billard Mean Duration Time for a General Epidemic Process 1975
M0361 Myles Hollander & Ramesh M. Korwar Nonparametric Estimation of Distribution Functions 1975
M0360 Gregory Campbell & Myles Hollander Rank Order Estimation with the Dirichlet Prior 1975
M0359R Steven Nahmias & Frank Proschan Sign Changes of Linear Combinations of Derivatives of Polya Frequency Functions 1977
M0359 Steven Nahmias & Frank Proschan Sign Changes of Linear Combinations of Derivatives of Polya Frequency Functions 1975
M0358 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Some Current Academic Research in System Reliability Theory 1975
M0357 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin A Berry-Esseen Type Theorem 1975
M0356 Myles Hollander, Frank Proschan, & Jayaram Sethuraman Functions Decreasing in Transposition and Their Applications in Ranking Problems 1975
M0355 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Asymptotic Theory of Total Time on Test Processes, with Applications to Life Testing 1975
M0354 S. R. Searle On Reductions in Sums of Squares When Fitting Linear Models 1975
M0353 N. Langberg, F. Proschan, & A. J. Quinzi Converting Dependent Models into Independent Ones, with Applications in Reliability 1975
M0352 A. Hedayat Further Results Concerning Self Orhogonal Latin Square Designs 1975
M0351 A. Hedayat & Shyam Johari Hadamard Matrices: A Bibliography, Literature: 1893-1975 1975
M0350 A. W. Marshall & Frank Proschan Inconsistency of Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Distrubtions Having Increasing Failure Ra 1975
M0349 Abdalla R. El-Helbawy & Ralph A. Bradley Treatment Contrasts in Paired Comparisons: 2. Convergence of a Basic Iterative Scheme for 1975
M0348 Ralph A. Bradley & Abdulla T. El-Helbawy Treatment Contrasts in Paired Comparisons: 1. Basic Procedures with Application to Factori 1975
M0347 R. J. Serfling & Peter F. Thall Huber-Sense Robust M-Estimation of a Scale Parameter, with Application to the Exponential 1975
M0346 Mike Longnecker & R. J. Serfling On Almost Sure Convergence of Infinite Series 1975
M0345 R. J. Serfling The Poisson Distribution for the Frequency Rare Levels of Persistent Meterological Element 1975
M0344 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin An Estimation of the Asymptotic Covariance Martix Associated with Bickel's Estimates for S 1975
M0343 D. V. Gokhale & Solomon Kullback An Information Analysis of Multinomial Experiments and Contingency Tables 1975
M0342 Allan R. Sampson & Bruce Spencer Sufficiency, Minimal Sufficiency, and the Lack Thereof 1975
M0341 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin A Nonparametric Estimation of the Entropy for Absolutely Continuous Distributions 1975
M0340 Ibrahim Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin Nonparametric Sequential Estimation of a Multiple Regression Function 1975
M0339 R. J. Serfling & Constance L. Wood On Null-Hypothesis Limiting Distributions of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Type Statistics with Estim 1975
M0338 Frederick W. Leyseiffer Respondent Jeopardy in Randomized Response Procedures 1975
M0337 Ralph A. Bradley Science, Statistics, and Paired Comparisons 1975
M0336 Lawrence Peele & George Kimeldorf Time Series Prediction Problems with Uncertain Observations 1975
M0335 J. Sethuraman Characterization of Distributions by Large Deviation Rates 1976
M0334 Douglas H. Jones & J. Sethuraman Bahadur Efficiences of the Student's t Tests (Dedicated to the memory of Jaroslav Hajek) 1975
M0333 K. Afsarinejad & A. Hedayat Some Contributions to the Theorem of Multistage Youden Design 1975
M0332 Allan R. Sampson Simple Ban Estimators of Correlations for Certain Multivariate Normal Models with Known Va 1975
M0331 S. Kullback & Peter F. Thall An Information Theoretic Proof of the Integral Representation Theorem 1975
M0330 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Theory of Maintained Systems: Distribution of Time to First System Failure 1975
M0329 Pi-Erh Lin Empirical Bates Estimation of Reliability Function Using Type II Censored Data Associated 1975
M0328 Douglas A. Zahn & Sara B. Fein Analysis of Contingency Tables Containing Non-Dichotomous Variables Using Log-Linear Cell- 1974
M0327 Pi-Erh Lin Empirical Bayes Approach to Life Testing Associated with Exponential Failure Law 1975
M0326 Myles Hollander & Frank Proschan Tests for the Mean Residual Life 1975
M0325 Lawrence Peele & George Kimeldorf Prediction Functions and Mean-Estimation Functions for a Time Series 1974
M0324 Allan R. Sampson Stepwise Ban Estimators for Exponential Families with Multivariate Normal Applications 1974
M0323 John Patrick Lang & George Kimeldorf Silent Duels with Non-Discrete Firing 1974
M0322 Frank Proschan Applications of Majorization & Schur Functions in Reliability and Life Testing 1975
M0321 Douglas A. Zahn & Ruth Ann Killion The Direct Calculation of the Variance of the Florida Price Level Index 1975
M0320 George Kimeldorf & Allan Sampson Uniform Repressentations of Bivariate Distributions 1974
M0319 Frank Proschan & Pasquale Sullo Estimating the Parameteres of a Multivariate Exponential Distribution: Part II 1974
M0318 Ibrahim A. Ahmad & Pi-Erh Lin On a Nonparametric Estimation of the Failure Rate Function 1974
M0317 Erwin P. Bodo & Morgan A. Hanson A Class of Continuous Nonlinear Programming Problems 1974
M0316 R. J. Serfling & D. D. Wackerly Asymptotic Theory of Sequential Fixed-Width Confidence Intervals for Locations Parameters 1974
M0315 Douglas A. Zahn On the Analysis of Factorial Experiments with Type I Censored Data 1974
M0314 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Frank Proschan Preservation of Geometric Properties Under an Integral Transformation 1974
M0313 Douglas A. Zahn An Empirical Study of the Half-Normal Plot 1974
M0312 Douglas A. Zahn Modifications of and Revised Critical Values for the Half-Normal Plot 1974
M0311 Robert P. Clickner & Jayaram Sethuraman Probabilities of Excessive Deviations of Simple Linear Rank Statistics 1975
M0310 F. Proschan & J. Sethuraman Stochastic Comparisons of Order Statistics from Heterogeneous Populations 1974
M0309 Emad El-Neweihi & Jayaram Sethuraman Probability Measures on Separable Banach Spaces 1974
M0308 F. Proschan & J. Sethuraman Stoachstic Comparison of Sums, Using Majorization 1974
M0307 S. E. Nevius, F. Proschan, & J. Sethuraman Schur Functions in Statistics, III: A Stochastic Version of Weak Majorization, with Applic 1974
M0306 S. E. Nevius, F. Proschan, & J. Sethuraman Schur Functions in Statistics. II: Stochastic Majorization 1974
M0305 Erwin P. Bodo & Morgan A. Hanson Continuous Nonlinear Programming with Two Spatial Dimensions: A Random Search Problem 1974
M0304 I. Richard Savage Review of U. S. Census Bureau of the Census, Standards for Discussion and Presentation of 1974
M0303 A. Hedayat Optimal Statistical Designs Associated with Completely Separating Groups 1974
M0302 Ralph A. Bradley & A. Hedayat Optimal Designs for Two Non-Interactive Treatments 1974
M0301 R. J. Serfling A General Poisson Approximation Theorem 1974
M0300 Ruth Ann Killion & Douglas A. Zahn A Bibiography of Contingency Table Literature: 1900 to 1973 1974
M0299 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Allan Sampson Total Positivity of the Bivariate Absolute Normal Distribution End the Association of a Bi 1974
M0298 I. Richard Savage Cost-Benefit Analysis of Demographic Data 1974
M0297 I. Richard Savage Elaboration on a Theme of Blau 1974
M0296 George Kimeldorf & Allan Sampson One-Parameter Families of Bivariate Distributions with Fixed Marginals 1974
M0295 A. Hedayat An Application of Sum Composition: A Family on Self Orthogonial Latin Square Designs with 1975
M0294 A. Hedayat The Family of t-Designs: Survey and Advances (Preliminary Report) 1974
M0293 A. Hedayat Self Orthogonial Latin Square Designs and their Importance, II 1974
M0292 Douglas A. Zahn Documentation for Contab- A Computer Program to Aid in the Analysis of Multidimensional Co 1974
M0291 Frank Proschan Recent Research on Classes of Life Distributions Useful in Maintenance Modelling 1974
M0290 John Patrick Lang & George Kimeldorf Duels with Continuous Firing 1974
M0289 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Importance of System Components and Fault Tree Events 1974
M0288 Ramesh M. Korwar & Myles Hollander Empirical Bayes Estimation of a Distribution Function 1974
M0287 F. Proschan & J. Sethuraman Simple Multivariate Inequalities Using Association 1974
M0286 Furman H. Smith & George Kimeldorf Binomial Searching for a Random Number of a Multinomially Hidden Balls* 1973
M0285 A. Hedayat On the Universal Optimality of Experimental Designs with Unequal Block Sizes and Unequal R 1974
M0284 A. Hedayat On Constructing an OL(n,3) Design By the Method of Sum Composition 1973
M0283 F. Proschan & J. Sethuraman Two Generalizations of Muirhead's Theorem 1973
M0282 P. W. Epasinghe On Generalized Inverse of a Linear Operator 1974
M0281 Lanny D. Larson & Morgan A. Hanson A Class of Continuous Nonlinear Programming Problems 1973
M0280 A. Hedayat, D. Raghavarao, & E. Seiden Further Contributions to the Theory of F-Square Design 1973
M0279 A. Hedayat & D. Raghavarao 3-Way Bib Designs 1973
M0278 Ralph A. Bradley [missing odd pages] Asymptotic Properties of Likelihood Estimators for Associated Populations and their Applic 1973
M0277 Pi-Erh Lin & Erwin P. Bodo Admissibility of Elliptically Contoured Estimators of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Di 1973
M0276 A. Hedayat, B. L. Raktoe, & W. T. Federer On the Nonexistence of Knut Vik Designs for All Even Orders 1973
M0275 A. Hedayat, B. L. Raktoe, & W. T. Federer On a Measure of Aliasing Due to Fitting an Incomplete Model 1973
M0274 J. A. Eccleston & A. Hedayat On the Theory of Connected Designs: Characterization and Optimality 1973
M0273 Myles Hollander & Frank Proschan A Test for Superadditivity of the Mean Value Function of a Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process 1973
M0272 Byron Wm. Brown Jr., Myles Hollander, & Ramesh M. Korwar Nonparametric Tests of Independence for Censored Data with Applications to Heart Translant 1973
M0271 Frank Proschan Reliability Growth 1973
M0270 Pi-Erh Lin & Erwin P. Bodo Generalized Bayes Minimax Estimators of a Multiple Regression Coefficient Vector with Thre 1973
M0269 Allan R. Sampson Expectations of Bionomial Random Variables: A $1,000,000 Example 1973
M0268 R. J. Serfling Construction of Dependent Uncorrelated Random Variables with Prescribed Marginal Distribut 1973
M0267 R. J. Serfling Research in Point Processes, with Applications in Reliability and Biometry 1973
M0266 Robert P. Clickner & Jayaram Sethuraman Bahadur Efficiency of the Randomized Rank Statistics of Bell and Doksum 1973
M0265 I. Richard Savage & Bernard M. Windham The Importance of Bias Removal in Official Use of United States Census Counts 1973
M0264 Pi-Erh Lin & Lawrence E. Stivers Testing for Equality of Means with Incomplete Data on One Variable: A Monte Carlo Study 1973
M0263 Allan R. Sampson A Tale of Two Regressi 1973
M0262 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Frank Proschan Total Positivity Properties of Generating Functions 1973
M0261 A. Hedayat & K. Afsarinejad Repeated Measurements Designs, I* 1973
M0260 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Frank Proschan Shock Models with Underlying Birth Process 1973
M0258 Frank Proschan & Pasquale Sullo Estimating the Parameters of a Bivariate Exponential Distribution in Several Sampling Situ 1973
M0257 Duane A. Meeter A Two-Armed Bandit with Terminal Decision (Bayes Rule)* 1973
M0256 Frank Proschan & Pasquale Sullo Estimating the Parameters of a Certain Multivariate Exponential Distribution 1973
M0255 Gerald van Belle & Ibrahim Ahmad Measuring Affinity of Distributions 1973
M0254 Frank Proschan & Jayaram Sethuraman Preservation of Schur Properties Under a Certain Transformation 1973
M0253 Harrison D. Weed, Jr, Ralph A. Bradley & Z. Govindarajulu Stopping Times of Two Rank Order Probability Ratio Tests for Symmetry 1973
M0252 Pi-Erh Lin & Lawrence E. Stivers On Difference of Means with Incomplete Data 1973
M0251 Allan R. Sampson A Characterization of Exponential Family Distributions by Expectation of the Sufficient St 1973
M0250 K. Afsarinejad & A. Hedayat Some Contributions to the Theorem of Multistage Youden Design 1972
M0249 I. Richard Savage A Bayesian Guide to the Unknown 1973
M0248 William H. Farr & Morgan A. Hanson Continuous Time Programming with Nonliner Time Delayed Constraints 1972
M0247 I. Richard Savage Sociology Wants Mathematics 1973
M0246 I. Richard Savage Incomplete Contingency Tables: Conditions for the Existence of Unique MLE 1972
M0245 Gerald van Belle & Marvin Schneiderman Some Statistical Aspects of Environmental Pollution and Protection 1972
M0244 Chanchal Singh & Morgan Hanson A Class of Programming Problems in Banach Spaces: Concave Objective Function with Linear C 1972
M0243 Mohamed Abdul-Hameed & Frank Proschan Nonstationary Shock Models 1972
M0241 William H. Farr & Morgan A. Hanson Continuous Time Programming with Nonliner Constraints 1972
M0240 Chanchal Singh & Morgan Hanson Nonlinear Programming in Banach Spaces 1972
M0239 Chanchal Singh & Morgan Hanson A Class of Linear Programming Problems in Banach Spaces 1972
M0238 R. J. Serfling Probability Inequalities for the Sum in Sampling Without Replacement 1972
M0237 Myles Hollander, Gordon Pledger, & Pi-Erh Lin Robustness of the Wilcoxon Test to a Certain Dependency Between Samples 1972
M0236 Emad El-Neweihi & Jayaram Sethuraman A Note Concerning Some Results of Landau, Shepp, and Sato 1972
M0235 D. H. Jones & J. Sethuraman Asymptotic Distribution of the Log Likelihood Based on Ranks in the Two-Sample Problem, II 1972
M0234 Furman H. Smith & George Kimeldorf Discrete Sequential Search for One of Many Objects 1972
M0233 Walter R. Pirie & Myles Hollander Note on a Tukey Test for Ordered Alternatives 1972
M0232 Francisco J. Samaniego Estimating a Binomial Parameter with Finite Memory 1972
M0231R Gordon Pledger & Frank Proschan Stochastic Comparisons of Random Processes, with Applications in Reliability 1972
M0231 Gordon Pledger & Frank Proschan Stochastic Comparisons of Random Processes, with Applications in Reliability 1972
M0230 Richard E. Barlow & Frank Proschan Availability Theory for Multicomponent Systems 1972
M0229 Jaroslav H�jek & George Kimeldorf Regression Desgins in Autoregressive Stochastic Processes 1972
M0228 Douglas A. Zahn An Empirical Study of the Half-Normal Plot 1972
M0227 Pi-Erh Lin Test Procedures for Difference of Means with Incomplete Data 1972
M0226 Robert P. Clickner & Jayaram Sethuraman Probabilities of Excessive Deviations of Simple Linear Rank Statistics - the Two-Sample Ca 1971
M0225 Allan R. Sampson Post-Prison Success Prediction: a Florida Study 1971
M0224 Gavin Gregory Large Sample Tests for the Mopnotonicity of a Generalized Failure Rate Function 1972
M0224 Gavin Gregory Large Sample Tests for the Monotonicity of a Generalized Failure Rate Function 1972
M0223 Gavin G. Gregory The Asymptotic Distribution of Linear Spacings Statistics and Studentized Linear Spacings 1971
M0222 William F. Grams & R. J. Serfling Convergence Rates for U-Statistics and Related Statistics 1971
M0221 Ramesh M. Korwar & Myles Hollander Contributions to the Theory of Dirichlet Processes 1971
M0220 R. J. Serfling A Refinement of a Probability Inequality of Hoeffding 1971
M0219 Pi-Erh Lin Admissible Estimators of the Multivariate Normal Mean with Squared Error Loss 1971
M0218 J. S. Rao & J. Sethuraman Weak Comvergence of Empirical Distribution Functions of Random Variables Subject to Pertur 1971
M0217 Robert L. Sielken, Jr. Some Stopping Times for Stochastic Approximation Procedures 1971
M0216 Donald C. Martin & Ralph A. Bradley Probability Models, Estimation & Classification for Multivariate Dichotomous Populations 1971
M0215 Pi-Erh Lin & Hui-Liang Tsai Generalized Bayes Minimax Estimator of the Multivariate Normal Mean with Unknown Covarianc 1971
M0214 L. H. Crow & I. N. Shimi Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Life-Distributions from Renewal Testing 1971
M0213 Walter R. Pirie & Myles Hollander A Distribution-Free Normal Scores Test for Ordered Alternatives in the Randomized Block De 1971
M0212 Gordon Pledger & Frank Proschan Comparisons of Order Statistics and of Spacings from Heterogeneous Distributions 1971
M0211 Douglas A. Wolfe On Testing Hypotheses about Function-Free Biameters 1971
M0210 D. W. Fairweather & I. N. Shimi A Counting Model for Flows Grouped into Categories 1971
M0209 L. H. Crow & I. N. Shimi Estimation of Gap Distribution 1971
M0208 J. P. Lang & R. J. Serfling Comparison of Two Series of Traffic Flow Headways 1971
M0207 R. J. Serfling & Constance L. Wood Testing Poisson Versus Erlang, Using Count Data 1971
M0206 I. Richard Savage & R. J. Serfling Moment Formulas for [X/m] 1971
M0205 I. N. Shimi & Douglas A. Wolfe Improvements on Robust Estimation Through Iteration 1971
M0204R Myles Hollander & Frank Proschan Testing Whether New is Better Than Used 1971
M0203+ Ralph A. Bradley, Robert J. Serfling, Ismail N. Shimi, & George S. Kimeldorf A Probabilistic Approach to Traffic Problems: Phase III 1971
M0203 Gordon Pledger & R. J. Sefling The Waiting Time of a Vehicle in Queue 1971
M0202 D. W. Fairweather & I. N. Shimi The Critical Multitype Brancing Process in Random Environment 1971
M0201 William J. Blot & Duane Meeter Sequential Experimental Design Procesdures 1971
M0200 Pi-Erh Lin Some Characterizations of the Multivariate t Distribution 1971
M0199 Jaroslav H�jek Asymptotic Sufficiency of the Vector of Ranks in the Bahadur Sense 1971
M0198 George Kimeldorf & Allan Sampson A Functional Characterization of a Class of Covariance Inequalities 1971
M0197 L. H. Crow & I. N. Shimi Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Monotone Step-Function Failure Rate From Time-Truncated 1971
M0196 Allan R. Sampson A Note on a New Matrix Decomposition 1971
M0195 I. Richard Savage & J. Sethuraman Asymptotic Distribution of the Log Likelihood Based on Ranks in the Two-Sample Problem 1970
M0194 J. D. Basary, A. W. Marshall & Frank Proschan Shock Models and Wear Processes 1970
M0193 L. H. Crow & I. N. Shimi Maximum Likelihood Estimation From a Truncated Life-Testing Procedure 1970
M0192 D. W. Fairweather & I. N. Shimi A Multi-Type Braching Process with Immigration and Random Environment 1970
M0191 I. N. Shimi The Asymptotic Distribution of the Number of System Failures with Stochastic Hazard Rates 1970
M0190 Klaus Matthes, trans. by R. J. Serfling Stationary Stochastic Point Processes: 1. On the Structure of Stationary Point Processes 1970
M0189 Ralph A. Bradley, Kantilal M. Patel & Dennis D. Wackerly Approximate Small-Sample Distribution for Multivariate Two-Sample Nonparametric Tests 1970
M0188R Robert Lee Taylor Weak Laws of Large Numbers in Normed Linear Spaces 1971
M0188 Robert Lee Taylor Some Weak Laws for Random Elements in Normed Linear Spaces 1970
M0187 Roger R. Davidson & Ralph A. Bradley A Regression Relationship for Multivariate Paired Comparisons 1970
M0186 Jaroslav H�jek Asymptotic Minimax and Admissibility in Estimation 1970
M0185 S. Natarajan On the Category of Certain Groups of Transformations 1970
M0184 Ronald H. Randles & Myles Hollander Incomplete Prior Information in a Classification Procedure 1970
M0183 Pi-Erh Lin Minimax Estimators for the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution 1970
M0182 D. W. Fairweather & I. N. Shimi An Immigartion & Fragmentation Stochastic Process 1970
M0181 Pi-Erh Lin Estimation Procedures for Difference of Means with Missing Data 1970
M0180 J. Sethuraman Stopping Time of a Rank-Order Sequential Probability Ratio Test Based on Lehmann Alternati 1970
M0179 Richard G. Cornell Bayseian Estimation of Population Size with Removal Sampling 1970
M0178 Jaroslav H�jek Limiting Properties of Likelihoods and Inference 1970
M0177 R. J. Serfling A Class of Stochastic Point Process Models for Traffic Flow 1970
M0176 Ralph A. Bradley & Harrison D. Weed Sequential One-Sample Rank Tests 1969
M0175 Harrison D. Weed, Jr. & Ralph A. Bradley Sequential One-Sample Grouped Signed Rank Tests for Symmetry: Monte Carlo Studies 1971
M0174R Myles Hollander A Distribution-Free Test for Bivariate Symmetry 1969
M0174 Myles Hollander A Distribution-Free Test for Bivariate Symmetry 1969
M0173 Ronald H. Randles & Myles Hollander T-Minimax Selection Procedures in Treatments Versus Control Problems 1969
M0172 I. N. Shimi A Macroscopic Study of Traffic Flow 1969
M0171 Iris Moore Small Sample Inference 1969
M0170 Pi-Erh Lin Rates of Convergence in Empirical Bayes Estimation Problems: Discrete Case 1969
M0169 Roger R. Davidson On Extending the Bradley-Terry Model to Accommodate Ties in Paired Comparison Experiments 1969
M0168 Pi-Erh Lin Estimation of a Multivariate Density and Its Partial Derivatives 1969
M0167 Harrison D. Weed, Jr. & Ralph A. Bradley Sequential One-Sample Grouped Rank Tests for Symmetry: Basic Procedures 1969
M0166 Lanny D. Larson Recursive Relations for a Class of Rank Statistics Under Lehmann Alternatives 1969
M0165R A. Vijaya Rao & S. K. Katti Minimum Chi-Square Estimation for the Log-Zero-Poisson Distribution 1969
M0165 A. Vijaya Rao & S. K. Katti Estimation of Parameters of the Log-Zero-Poisson Distribution 1969
M0164 R. J. Serfling The Variance Functino of the Erland Process 1969
M0163 J. Sethuraman & J. S. Rao Pitman Efficiencies of Tests Based on Spacings 1969
M0162 Roger R. Davidson & Ralph A. Bradley Multivariate Paired Comparisons: Some Large-Sample Results on Estimation and Tests of Equa 1969
M0161* [MISSING] Roger R. Davidson & Ralph A. Bradley Multivariate Paried Comparisons: The Extension of a Univariate Model and Associated Estima 1968
M0160 Ralph A. Bradley & Harrison D. Weed Sequential One-Sample Grouped Rank Tests 1969
M0158 I. N. Shimi Concentration of Cars in a Road with Non-Stationary Inflow and Outflow 1969
M0157 I. N. Shimi Concentration of Cars in a Macroscopic Study of Traffic Flow, 2. Transient State 1969
M0156 I. N. Shimi Concentration of Cars in a Macroscopic Study of Traffic Flow, 1. Steady State 1969
M0155R R. J. Serfling Non-Poisson Models for Traffic Flow, II 1969
M0154 R. J. Serfling Fundamental Relationships for Traffic Flow Models with Applications 1969
M0153 David S. Reynolds Random Wear Models in Reliability Theory 1969
M0152 Daniel L. Solomon Partially Bayes Estimates 1969
M0151 R. J. Serfling Probability Inequalities and Convergence Properties for Sums of Multiplicative Random Vari 1969
M0150 R. J. Serfling Convergence Properties of Sn Under Moment Restriction 1969
M0149 R. J. Serfling Moment Inequalities for the Maximum Cumulative Sum 1969
M0148 Harrison D. Weed, Jr, Ralph A. Bradley & Z. Govindarajulu Stopping Times of Two Rank Order Sequential Probability Ratio Tests for Symmetry Based on 1969
M0147 Vincent Hodgson Some Normalizing Transformations of the Multiple Correlation Coefficient 1968
M0146 Duane Meeter, Walter Pirie, & William Blot A Comparison of Two Model-Discrimination Criteria 1968
M0145 D. W. Fairweather & I. N. Shimi Age-Dependent Multibirth-and-Death Process 1968
M0144 Frederick W. Leyseiffer A System of Markov Chains with Random Life Times 1968
M0143 C. Bradley Russell Surveillance Problems: Two-Dimensional Symmetric Random Walk Under Continuous Surveillance 1968
M0142 I. N. Shimi A Generalized Age-Dependent Brancing Process and its Limit Distribution 1968
M0140 R. J. Serfling Non-Poisson Models for Traffic Flow 1968
M0139 Myles Hollander A Distribution-Free Test for Parallelism 1968
M0138 I. N. Shimi A Merging Problem in Two-Lane Traffic 1968
M0137 Jesse C. Arnold & S. K. Katti A k-Variate Rao--Blackwell Theorem with Applications to Preliminary Test Estimators 1968
M0134 W. A. Thompson, Jr. Highway Traffic Flow and Limiting Extreme Value Distributions 1968
M0133 Duane A. Meeter A Simulation Program for a One-Lane, One-Way Highway System (Program TUNNEL) 1968
M0132 R. Choudary Hanumara & W. A Thompson Variance Component Analysis in a Two-Way Layout with Unequal Variances 1968
M0131 W. D. Warde On the Infinite Divisibility of Discrete Distributions 1967
M0130 Richard L. Scheaffer Problems in Inverse Sampling of Bulk Materials 1967
M0129 Robert M. Loynes The Consistency of Certain Sequential Estimators 1967
M0128 Kantilal M. Matel & Ralph A. Bradley Approximate Small-Sample Distribution for Multivariate Two-Sample Nonparametric Tests 1967
M0127 S. S. Chitgopekar Continuous Time Markovian Sequential Control Processes 1967
M0126 Roger R. Davidson & William E. Lever The Limiting Distribution of the Likelihood Ratio Statistic Under a Class of Local Alterna 1967
M0125 C. Bradley Russell Surveillance Problems: A Program for Obtaining Optimal Costly Surveillance Strategies for 1967
M0124 C. Bradley Russell Surveillance Problems: Poisson Process Under Costly Surveillance 1967
M0123 Robert H. Berk & I. Richard Savage The Information in a Rank-Order and Termination of Some Associated SPRTs 1966
M0122 Jagbir Singh & W. A. Thompson, Jr. The Treatment of Ties in Paired Comparisons 1967
M0121 Ralph A. Bradley & Roger R. Davidson Multivariate Paired Comparisons 1966
M0120 Harald Bergstrom A Generalization of Bochner's Theorem 1966
M0119 Harald Bergstrom On Zero- and One- Boundaries of Distribution Functions on R^k 1966
M0118 Harald Bergstrom Convolutions of Random Functions 1966
M0117 Harald Bergstrom Limit Theorems for Convolutions Powers of Random Functions 1966
M0116 Harald Bergstrom Some Remarks on One-Sided Infinitely Divisible Distribution Functions 1966
M0115 W. A. Thompson, Jr. & Jagbir Singh Models for Paired Comparisons 1966
M0114R Myles Hollander Certain Uncorrelated Nonparametric Test Statistics 1967
M0113 Gordon Antelman, Bradley Russell & I. R. Savage Surveillance Problems: Two Dimensional With Continuous Surveillance 1966
M0112 Duane A. Meeter A Newton-Gradient Method for Non-Linear Problems in Hilbert Space 1966
M0111 W. A. Thompson, Jr. & Jagbir Singh The Use of Limit Theorems in Comparison Model Building 1966
M0109R Myles Hollander Asymptotic Efficiency of Two Nonparametric Competitors of Wilcoxon's Two Sample Test 1966
M0109 Myles Hollander Asymptotic Efficiency of Two Nonparametric Competitors of Wilcoxon's Two Sample Test 1966
M0108 Ralph A. Bradley Topics in Rank-Order Statistics 1965
M0106R S. K. Katti & A. Vijay Rao The Log-Zero-Poisson Distribution 1969
M0106 S. K. Katti & A. Vijay Rao The Log-Zero-Poisson Distribution 1965
M0105 S. K. Katti Infinite Divisibility of Discrete Distributions 1965
M0100 K. M. Lal Saxena Some Nonparametric Bayesian Estimation Problems 1965
M0091 Vincent Hodgson A Note on the Ratio of Steady State Probabilities for Ergodic Markov Chains 1965
M0090 Vincent Hodgson & Thomas L. Hebble Non-Preemptive Priorities in Machine Interference 1965
M0085 K. M. Lal Saxena Monotonicity of Rank Order Likelihood Ratios 1965
M0080 Ralph A. Bradley, Sarla D. Merchant & Frank Wilcoxon Sequential Rank Tests: 2. A Modified Two-Sample Procedure 1965
M0076 William E. Lever A Chi-Square Decision Process Using Prior Information 1965
M0074 Russell Remage Jr. & W. A. Thompson, Jr. Rankings from Paired Comparisons 1965
M0067 S. K. Katti Exact Distribution for a Chisquare Test in One Way Table 1965
M0066 S. K. Katti Interrelations Among Generlized Distributions and Their Components 1965
M0064 Duane A. Meeter A Note on a Theorem Used in Non Linear Least Squares 1965
M0060 Ralph A. Bradley, Donald C. Martin & Frank Wilcoxon Sequential Rank Tests: 1. Monte Carlo Studies of the Two-Sample Procedures 1964
M0059 Russell Remage, Jr. & W. A. Thompson, Jr. On the Circuit Number of an Oriented Graph 1964
M0057 B. J. McDonald & W. A. Thompson, Jr. Distribution-Free Multiple Comparison Methods 1964
M0055 S. K. Katti & Andres Petrasovits Indicators for Selecting Statistics for Use in Estimation 1964
M0052 Richard G. Cornell Spearman Estimation for a Simple Exponential Model 1964
M0050 Ralph A. Bradley Another Interpretation of a Model for Paired Comparisons 1964
M0049 W. A. Thomspon, Jr. Paired Comparison Model Building 1964
M0047 Ralph A. Bradley Multivariate Analysis: I. General 1964
M0046 I. Richard Savage & Leonard J. Savage Finite Stopping Time and Finite Expected Stopping Time 1964
M0045 Vincent Hodgson The Distribution of Waiting Time in a Machine Interference Problem [missing end] 1964
M0038 Ralph A. Bradley & Tom J. Harmon The Development of Statistical Methods for Quality Control and Surveillance Testing: Subje 1963
M0033 S. K. Katti Some Estimation Procedures for Discrete Distributions 1963
M0032 Frank Wilcoxon, L. J. Rhodes & Ralph A. Bradley The Development of Statistical Methods for Quality Control and Surveillance Testing Subjec 1962
M0027 Vincent Hodgson The Development of Statistical Methods for Quality Control and Surveillance Testing Qualit 1962
M0006 Ralph A. Bradley The Development of Statistical Methods for Quality Control and Surveillance Testing 1962