Looking to Reserve a room?
Below is a list of the rooms within the Statistics Building that are available for reserving. However, please note that University Scheduling controls the scheduling of 108, 110, and 327 and these calendars may not reflect any reservations that they have made. If you wish to reserve any of these rooms, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this page and we will make the necessary scheduling arrangements for you.
Available Rooms
108 OSB - Classroom
108 OSB is an interactive classroom facility located on the first floor of the Statistics Building that has a maximum occupancy of 60 people. The room features an interactive smart projector/whiteboard and is primarily used for classes taught by department faculty.
Please note that University Scheduling controls the reservation of this room, so the calendar link may not reflect all of the scheduled reservations. Please allow for additional time for the Department of Statistics to process your reservation requests for this classroom.
110 OSB - Classroom
110 OSB is an interactive classroom facility located across from 108 OSB on the first floor of the Statistics Building. This classroom has a maximum occupancy of 60 people and features an interactive smart projector/whiteboard. It is primarily used for classes taught by department faculty.
Please note that University Scheduling controls the reservation of this room, so the calendar link may not reflect all of the scheduled reservations. Please allow for additional time for the Department of Statistics to process your reservation requests for this classroom.
204 OSB - Classroom
204 OSB is an interactive classroom facility located on the second of the Statistics Building. This classroom has a maximum occupancy of 31 people and features an interactive smart projector/whiteboard. It is used for classes taught by department faculty, as well as group meetings and essay/dissertation defenses.
215 OSB - Large Conference Room
215 OSB is our building's largest conference room, with a maximum occupancy of 16 people. This room features a large conference table, as well as an interactive smart projector/whiteboard. This room is primarily used for interdepartmental meetings, as well as essay/dissertation defenses.
327 OSB - Classroom
327 OSB is an interactive classroom facility also located on the third floor of the Statistics Building. This classroom has a maximum occupancy of 30 people and features an interactive smart projector/whiteboard. It is primarily used for classes taught by department faculty.
Please note that University Scheduling controls the reservation of this room, so the calendar link may not reflect all of the scheduled reservations. Please allow for additional time for the Department of Statistics to process your reservation requests for this classroom.
431 OSB - Small Meeting Room
431 OSB is a cozy space, located on the 4th floor of the Statistics Building that's perfect for small group meetings of up to 4 people. It contains a round table, four chairs, and a dry erase board perfect for working problems or brainstorming.
431A OSB - Small Meeting Room
431A OSB is another cozy space, perfect for small group meetings of up to 5 people. It contains a round table, five chairs, and a dry erase board perfect for working problems or brainstorming.
433 OSB - Small Conference Room
Priority is given to the Statistical Consulting Center for use of this room
433 OSB is home to our Department's Statistical Consulting Center. However, the Consulting Center's director has given us permission to reserve this meeting space when it is not being used by the Consulting Center's knowledgeable staff. Please note that priority for this space will be given to the Statistical Consulting Center staff. This space is a small conference room that can accommodate up to 10 people around a large conference table. This space also contains an interactive smart projector/whiteboard.
433A OSB - Small Conference Room
433A is another small conference room, located on the fourth floor of the Statistics Building, that can accommodate up to 8 people. This meeting space contains a conference room table and a dry erase board.
How to Reserve a Room
To request a reservation for Dept. of Statistics events, please contact stat-staff@lists.fsu.edu and provide the following:
- Full Name (individual reserving classroom and will card swipe door open):
- Your College, school, or department:
- Your FSU email address:
- Your FSU Card Number (last 8 digits only):
- Reason for the event (such as review session, guest lecturer, colloquium, orientation, training, meeting). Please be specific.
- Day and date requested (mm/dd/yyyy):
- Beginning and end time:
- Room size (capacity):
- Building preference:
- Comments (such as if you would prefer a specific room):