Syllabi - Spring 2016

Syllabi - Spring 2016


Course Section Title Instructor Syllabus
IFS2084 - Understanding Uncertainty: Games of Skill and Chance Dr. Eric Chicken IFS2084
STA1013 04 & 07 Statistics Through Example Tingting Hu STA1013 04 & 07
STA1013 09 Statistics Through Example Josue Anaya STA1013 09
STA2023 01 - 12 Fundamental Business Statistics Radha Bose STA2023 01 - 12
STA2023 13 & 21 Fundamental Business Statistics Mike Kyungmin Ahn STA2023 13 & 21
STA2023 14 Fundamental Business Statistics Collin Dougher STA2023 14
STA2122 01 - 12 Introduction to Applied Statistics Radha Bose STA2122 01 - 12
STA3024 - SAS for Data and Statistical Analyses Dr. Steven Ramsier STA3024
STA3032 - Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Dr. Antonio Linero STA3032
STA3064 - Introduction to Statistical Modeling with SAS Dr. Steven Ramsier STA3064
STA4173 - Introduction to Biostatistics Dr. Dan McGee STA4173
STA4222/5225 - Sample Surveys Dr. Eric Chicken STA4222/5225
STA4321/5223 01 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Dr. Xin "Henry" Zhang STA4321/5323
STA4321 02 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Shuguang Zhang STA4321 02
STA4853 - Time Series and Forecasting Methods Dr. Fred Huffer STA4853
STA5067 - Advanced Data Management and Analysis with SAS Dr. Dan McGee STA5067
STA5167 - Statistics in Applications II Dr. Xu-Feng Niu STA5167
STA5327 - Statistical Inference Dr. Debdeep Pati STA5327
STA6448 - Advanced Probability and Inference II Dr. Depdeep Pati STA6448
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