Syllabi - Fall 2015

Syllabi - Fall 2015


Course Section Title Instructor Syllabus
STA1220 - In My Opinion: Intro to Designing, Conducting, and Analyzing Surveys Dr. Eric Chicken STA1220 F15
STA2023 01-12 Fundamental Business Statistics Radha Bose STA2023 0112 F15
STA2023 19 Fundamental Business Statistics Jason Cleveland STA2023 19 F15
STA2122 01-12 Introduction to Applied Statistics Radha Bose STA2122 0112 F15
STA2122 13 Introduction to Applied Statistics Mark Orndorff STA2122 13 F15
STA2122 19 Introduction to Applied Statistics Roumen Varbonov STA2122 19 F15
STA2122 23 Introduction to Applied Statistics Katrina McAfee STA2122 23 F15
STA2171 04 Statistics for Biology Elizabeth Allgood STA2171 04 F15
STA3024 - SAS for Data and Statistical Analyses Dr. Steven Ramsier STA3024 F15
STA3032 - Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Dr. Minjing Tao STA3032 F15
STA3064 - Introduction to Statistical Modeling with SAS Dr. Steven Ramsier STA3064 F15
STA4102/5106 - Computational Methods in Statistics I Dr. Wei Wu STA41025106 F15
STA4203/5207 - Applied Regression Methods Dr. Adrian Barbu STA42035207 F15
STA4442/5440 - Introduction to Probability Dr. Antonio Linero STA44425440 F15
STA4664/5666 - Statistics for Quality and Productivity Dr. Steven Ramsier STA46645666 F15
STA5066 - Data Management and Analysis with SAS Dr. Dan McGee STA5066 F15
STA5166 - Statistics in Applications I Dr. Xu-Feng Niu STA5166 F15
STA5172 - Fundamentals of Biostatistics Dr. Naomi Brownstein STA5172 F15
STA5198 - Epidemiology for Statisticians Dr. Elizabeth Slate STA5198 F15
STA5238 - Applied Logistic Regression Dr. Dan McGee STA5238 F15
STA5326 - Distribution Theory and Inference Dr. Fred Huffer STA5326 F15
STA5939 - Introduction to Statistical Consulting Dr. Xu-Feng Niu STA5939 F15
STA6346 - Advanced Probability and Inference I Dr. Eric Chicken STA6346 F15
STA6468 01 Advanced Topics in Prob and Statistics Dr. Anuj Srivastava STA6468 01 F15
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